Profile and mission
With around 5,500 students and almost 700 members of staff, the Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance offers nationally and internationally acclaimed academic education and research. Characterised by a strong international focus and intensive cooperation between the various disciplines, the faculty provides a unique and inspiring environment for its students and staff.
Equality, diversity and inclusion
We believe that inclusiveness and diversity enrich the academic debate and that everyone deserves equal opportunities.
The Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance fully embraces and promotes a culture of equality, diversity and inclusion, for all students and staff. That is why we strive for an open and inspiring working and learning environment for employees and students from all backgrounds, in which everyone can thrive. Our faculty must be a place where everyone feels at home and is safe. A place where people are recognised and valued, empowered and treated with respect, on an equal basis with others.
Our faculty fully supports the pursuit of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion of Utrecht University as a whole and takes its own responsibility for initiatives that promote this.
For example by:
- the use of target numbers for diversity
- monitoring and improving the organisational culture
- and increasing awareness about these themes
We are all responsible for EDI
All staff and students are responsible for pursuing and promoting equality, diversity and inclusion. This happens in the way we work and collaborate, how we deal with career prospects and development, in research, in education, in business operations, in the language and images we use. We will enhance inclusive leadership, by combatting (un)conscious biases and promoting openness and mutual understanding.
That is why we do not have a separate programme for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) at the Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance, we rather want this to be part of all aspects of our work and study. EDI is inextricably linked to the culture of the faculty. All parts of our organisation are therefore represented in the faculty EDI committee: academic staff, support staff and students.
Please send your questions and remarks about EDI at LEG to
For staff of Utrecht University additional information is available on the LEG EDI-portal on intranet.
Committed to developing the unique talent of each student, the Faculty offers students high-quality Bachelor’s programmes and Master’s programmes, inspired by ground-breaking research. Students acquire specialist knowledge while simultaneously developing academic and professional skills.
At Bachelor’s level the Faculty offers the English-taught Bachelor’s programme in Economics and the Transnational Law programme. The extensive English-taught Master’s curriculum includes research programmes which provide students with unique opportunities to cooperate closely with the Faculty’s leading researchers.
The Faculty also offers a wide range of courses and programmes for professionals.
All our research programmes are firmly embedded in international research networks. Important partners in this respect are Washington University in St. Louis, USA and Queen’s University Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom – among many other institutions.
The Faculty researches socially relevant issues in a multidisciplinary context, resulting in research topics such as environmental law, urban development, entrepreneurship, family relations, conflicts and human rights and state formation in Europe. These programmes are part of Utrecht University’s research focus areas.