Faculty Council
The participation within the Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance (LEG) is organised within the Faculty Council and various programme committees (OCs).
The Faculty Council of LEG represents the interests of all students and staff of the Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance. The mandate to represent the interests of students and staff is obtained by elections. The council is authorised to consult the dean on every matter concerning the faculty. The council has various rights, such as the right to information, initiative, advice and consent. The Faculty regulations describe in more detail the subjects on which the council has these rights.
The OC is the advisory and consultative body in which all educational matters (including course evaluations and Education and Examination Regulations) are discussed for each programme. Moreover, since 1 September 2017, OCs have the right of consent to a number of subjects in the education and examination regulations and, for example, to the way in which the education in the programme in question is evaluated.
What does the Faculty Council do?
The Faculty Council meets approximately once every six weeks with the Faculty Board and keeps it focused by asking critical questions and contributing constructively to all kinds of subjects. The Faculty Council makes use of its right of advice, right of consent and right of initiative, among other things.
What are these meetings about? They include the finances of the faculty, the Teaching and Examination Regulations (TER), internationalisation, diversity, personnel policy, facilities and more. If you want to attend a meeting, don't hesitate to do so, the meetings are public.
More information:
Meeting documents and dates
The meeting documents of the public meetings of the Faculty Council can be viewed by all staff and students of Utrecht University via the Faculty Council's teamsite. The team site also provides an overview of all meeting dates.
If you have any questions about this team site, please contact us at rebo.bestuurssecretariaat@uu.nl
Contact with the Faculty Council
You can contact us via REBO_Faculteitsraad@uu.nl We would like to hear from both students and staff!