Research related support at the Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance
There are people and tools to help you with matters related to research.
The Research Support Office (RSO) of the Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance (LEG) supports researchers in obtaining external funding for their research.
Researchers of the LEG Faculty can contact the RSO for support with all aspects of research funding, including:
- Support in identifying funding sources;
- Support in preparing competitive funding applications;
- Support in coordinating consortium applications including HorizonEurope;
- Legal support for all research-related contracts and consortium agreements;
- Post-award support, including project management and reporting.
More detailed information about the services the RSO offers can be found on the intranet of Utrecht University.
If you do not have access to the intranet, please contact us via
In order to guarantee transparency, replicability and good science, Utrecht University developed a university policy framework for research data management . It also provides courses, advice and background information on data management, through RDM support. Please note that ethics and privacy play an important role in research data management as well (see for example the overview of online RDM tools. You can contact RSO (see above) for advice on data management and privacy.
The Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance has a specific faculty team of information security and privacy policy, available to help researchers.
Do you have questions about ethical review or integrity in the field of research? At the Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance you can contact the following committees and contact persons, depending on your question. There is a:
- Faculty’s Ethics Review Committee
- Faculty’s Integrity Counsellor
- Academic Integrity Counsellor
- Committee for Academic Integrity
All contact information can be found on the Intranet page on Ethics and Integrity.
Science communication, media/press is the responsibility of part of the communication and marketing team of the faculty. The marketing colleagues are responsible for education marketing at the faculty, the communication part of the team is focused on science communication.
drs. Bas Schreiner (Head of Communications)
School of Law:
drs. Bas Schreiner
School of Economics (U.S.E.):
drs. Gert den Toom
School of Governance (USG):
drs. Gert den Toom
Web editor
Irina Mak
Societal impact
Daan van Arcken
The Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance has a vice-dean of Societal impact, Prof. Mirko Noordegraaf and a Societal Impact Board. The faculty places high importance on the fact that societal impact is part of all academic teaching and research activities. End every year, the LEG Faculty hands out the Societal Impact Award to a student and to a staff member.
To learn more, please contact communications officer Societal Impact, Daan van Arcken.