Honours Teaching Programme
This programme aims for developing teachers in honours education. Participants in this programme can learn with and from each other by sharing knowledge and deepen in honours teaching and by doing so, forming a community of expert teachers with a vision on honours programmes within the Utrecht University.
This programme is meant for teachers that are already involved in the honours programme of the Utrecht University and exists of three meetings. Theme’s that occur in every programme:
- Who are talented students and what are their characteristics and desires?
- What teacher characteristics and competences match with honours teaching?
- What kind of educational design fit with honours teaching?
Besides these themes, the programme will be designed by the learning question of the participants and participants will work on an intervention in their own honours programme.
After this programme, participants can:
- make an substantiate choice for their approach in honours teaching based on state-of-the-art insights in honours teaching
- design a small part of their honoursteaching based on state-of-the-art insights in honours teaching
- participate in a broad Utrecht University network of expert teachers that share knowledge and experience with honours teaching
The next Honours Teaching Programme will start in, this is yet to be determined. Candidates need to be nominated by the dean of their faculty. The Board of the Centre for Academic Teaching and Learning decides on final admission.
The Programme is established in cooperation with the UU Honours College en Educational Development & Training. If you have any questions? Please send an email to cat@uu.nl.