24 results

  • Applied Data Science Become a data science professional with excellent analytic capabilities in domains such as health science, geo science, social and behavioural science and media.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year
  • Arbeidsrecht In Utrecht bestudeer je het arbeidsrecht vanuit verschillende dimensies en verdiep je je kennis door keuzevakken (Capita Selecta).
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year
  • Artificial Intelligence This Master’s offers you an integrative and cutting-edge approach to the field from the viewpoints of Informatics, Logic, Cognition, Psychology, Philosophy, and Linguistics.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years
  • Business Informatics This programme combines theory, methods, and techniques from business and organisational science with the tools and practices of information and computing science.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years
  • Computing Science Learn the advanced concepts, software design methods, problem-solving techniques, and analytic skills necessary to create information-driven systems.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years
  • Data Science This research Master’s teaches how to expand the existing boundaries of Data Science by designing new theories, models, algorithms and tools for the whole Data Management pipeline.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years
  • European Law The international Master's programme in European Law provides a thorough and highly-individualised training that prepares for a legal career in multinational environment.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year
  • Game and Media Technology This Master’s provides you with both fundamental and applied knowledge of the techniques for handling spatial data. You will work on creating the systems and techniques behind the game and media system.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years
  • Global Criminology The Master's programme Global Criminology offers a critical and comparative perspective on criminology and the growing demand for experts in global crime, penology and security.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year
  • Human Computer Interaction This Master's is an interdisciplinary programme, focussing on both the fundamental and applied knowledge of human and machine communication, as well as their interaction.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years
  • Law and Economics This one-year Master's programme offers an in-depth examination of issues in economic and legal aspects, meeting the growing demand for multidisciplinary experts in the field.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year
  • Law and Sustainability in Europe The Master's programme Law and Sustainability in Europe offers a unique opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills to understand and foster transition processes towards a sustainable future for current and future generations.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year
  • Legal Research The Master's programme Legal Research makes a well-trained lawyer out of you with a research-oriented mindset, which is crucial in this changing society and a basic requirement for a PhD study.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years
  • Leraar voorbereidend hoger onderwijs Word eerstegraads leraar in aardrijkskunde, biologie, Duits, economie, Engels, filosofie, Frans, geschiedenis, godsdienst, informatica, kunstgeschiedenis, maatschappijleer, muziek, natuurkunde, Nederlands, scheikunde, Spaans of wiskunde.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year, 2 years (part-time)
  • Mathematical Sciences In this programme you will dive deep into mathematics, develop research skills in pure, applied and industrial areas and learn to think out of the box.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years
  • Methodology and Statistics for the Behavioural, Biomedical and Social Sciences State-of-the-art research in methodology and statistics of the biomedical, behavioural and social sciences.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years
  • Multidisciplinary Economics During this two-year research Master you will develop expertise in an economics research area of your interest and supplement this with knowledge from another field of research preparing you for a career as a researcher inside or outside academia.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years
  • Notarieel recht De brede master Notarieel recht biedt je naast de civiele basis van dit rechtsgebied gedegen kennis van het verbintenissenrecht en goederenrecht.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year
  • Onderneming en recht De master Onderneming en recht geeft zicht op de rol en het functioneren van ondernemingen vanuit het perspectief van het ondernemingsrecht, arbeidsrecht en mededingingsrecht.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year
  • Privaatrecht De master Privaatrecht biedt een brede basis en de vaardigheden om met de steeds veranderende inhoud van het privaatrecht om te kunnen gaan.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year
  • Public International Law The Master's programme Public International Law prepares you to reflect critically on legal, human and sustainable dilemmas in a globalized and interdependent world.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year
  • Science Education and Communication For teaching, educational design, and educational research in biology, chemistry, computer science, mathematics, or physics.
    Language of instruction: 
    English, Multilingual
    Study duration: 
    2 years
  • Staats- en bestuursrecht De master Staats- en bestuursrecht stelt je als jurist goed in staat om kritisch te reflecteren op problemen vanuit juridisch en maatschappelijk perspectief.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year
  • Strafrecht De master Strafrecht leert je op een wetenschappelijk verantwoorde manier antwoorden te vinden op maatschappelijk relevante, strafrechtelijke vraagstukken.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year