Utrecht Education Incentive Fund

How do you let students carry out many experiments early on in their degree programmes? How do you improve their language capabilities? And how do you ensure that lecturers learn as much from each other as possible? These are some of the many questions to which the Utrecht Education Incentive Fund initiates the answers.

The Utrecht Education Incentive Fund was founded to improve the professionalisation of lecturers and to encourage education innovations.

Lecturers at Utrecht University nominate projects in the fields of (digital) didactics & testing, activated learning, matching & selection, honours programmes and the Master's graduate studies. Accepted projects are carried out by the lecturers themselves.


Every year, the Executive Board allocates 2 million euros to promising projects, of which 1 million euros are spent on small-scale, faculty projects and 1 million on projects in which several faculties work together. The Executive Board works with an assessment committee for the allocation.

For more information on the filing of project propositions, please read the intranet page (only accessible to Utrecht University employees).
Would you like to know more about the Utrecht Education Incentive Fund? If you do, please contact onderwijsonderzoek@uu.nl