Bites of Science
Resolving a relationship crisis? Not taking that one piece of chocolate? What are the consequences of premature birth on a child’s development? These are the types of questions that social scientists tackle.
Snack less
I wish to snack less but cannot resist that 50 gram chocolate bar. What should I do?
Relationship problems
Your relationship is about to blow up: does it make sense to decide on a 50-day time-out?
Citizens and government
Has there been a change in the trust citizens have in government in the past 50 years?
Dutch households
Have there been many changes in the Dutch households in the past 50 years?
Should a mother be worried if her 15-year old son does exchange less than 50 words with his parents on a daily basis?
A baby is born 50 days premature. What are the potential consequences for the development of the infant?
((19x3)-(12:2) +49) :2 = ? And will children with dyscalculia ever be able to learn this?
Do anorexia patients feel 50% fatter than they really are?
A child is 50% Turkish and 50% Dutch living in the Netherlands. Which language should be spoken with him at home?
Predictability life course
Are we able to predict from the personality of a 7-year old child what their life will be like 50 years on?
Delay PhD track
Is a PhD candidate successful when their research is completed in 50 months?
Learning a language
Will a zebra finch learn his language if he is allowed to grow up with his father or mother for 50 days after birth?
Spatial skills
Someone is taking about 50 attempts to reverse his car into a parking space. Does the driver lack spatial skills?
Care for the poor
What did the care for the poor consist of 50 years ago? And even before then?
Baby brains
Have there been many changes in the research into the development of children in the past 50 years?
Poor lesson
Is there hope for the teacher-student relationship after a poor 50 minutes lesson?
Child´s first words
At what age will a child speak about 50 words?
Quit smoking after 35 years
Is it possible for a 50-year old who has been smoking for 35 years to quit?
Is a 50-year old more likely to succumb to a burn-out?
Grieving children
Have we changed our approach towards grieving children in the past 50 years?
Trust in relationships
How can you maintain trust in relationships?
Banking crisis
Can banks prevent a banking crisis by giving all staff a psychological test?
Divorced parents
When divorced parents live far apart, what effect does that have on their children?