Data on Diversity

How many female PhD candidates, lecturers and professors are there? How do the numbers hold up to the set target figures? How many students, alumni and employees with migration backgrounds are there, and how does the migration balance at Utrecht University hold up to other Dutch universities and universities of applied sciences?
Music recommender algorithms such as those used on streaming platforms turn out to be strongly biased in gender. Female artists count to no more than 25 per cent of all recommendations.
Women Professors Monitor
The percentage of female professors in Dutch universities in 2020. An annual monitor by the Dutch Network of Women Professors.
Gender target figures at Utrecht University
Percentage of female and male professors, senior lecturers, lecturers and PhD candidates at Utrecht University in 2019-2020.
The Netherlands Inclusiveness Monitor
An annual monitor of inclusive entrepreneurship among Dutch employers. A collaboration project by ADG dienstengroep and Utrecht University.