Ruth de Klerk
Management/Office Assistantdrs. Marina Jongkind
Policy Adviser
Endowed Chairs
Lecturers and Researchers
dr. Elisabeth Addink
Associate Professordr. Elham Bakhshianlamouki
Researcherdr. Rens van Beek
Associate Professordr. Daan Beelen
Assistant Professordr. Lisanne Braat
Researcherdr. Kim Cohen
Assistant Professordr. Timme Donders
Associate Professordr. Daniel Draebing
Assistant Professordr. Frances Dunn
Assistant Professordr. Jana Eichel
Assistant Professordr. Katrina Gelwick
Researcherdr. Thomas Giesecke
Associate Professordr. ir. David Gold
Assistant ProfessorMuhannad Hammad PhD
Researcherdr. Sandra Hauswirth
Researcherdr. Wim Hoek
Associate Professordr. Edward Jones
Researcherdr. Deniz Kılıç
Researcherdr. Philip Kraaijenbrink
Assistant Professordr. Carlijn Lammers
Researcherdr. Faezeh Maghami Nick
Assistant Professordr. ir. Jaap Nienhuis
Assistant Professordr. Madlene Nussbaum
Assistant Professordr. Wiebe Nijland
Assistant Professordr. ir. Gualbert Oude Essink
Associate ProfessorAna Paez Trujillo
Researcherdr. Marcel van der Perk
Associate Professordr. Timothy Price
Assistant Professordr. Valerie Reijers
Assistant Professordr. Menno Straatsma
Assistant Professordr. Emmy Stigter MSc
Researcherdr. Maarten van der Vegt
Associate Professordr. ir. Niko Wanders
Associate Professordr. R.R. (René) Wijngaard MSc
Researcherdr. Daniël Zamrsky
PhD Candidates
PhD Candidates in colaboration with other Departments
Earth Science Lab Support
IT, Project and Supporting Staff
dr. Kor de Jong
ICT Consultantdr. Oliver Schmitz
Technical Support Assistant for Teaching and Research - O profiledr. Edwin Sutanudjaja
Technical Support Assistant for Teaching and Research - O profiledrs. Maarten Zeylmans Van Emmichoven
Technical Support Assistant for Teaching and Research - O profiledr. ir. B. (Bram) Droppers
ICT Developerdr. Saeb Faraji Gargari
ResearcherIris Kuipers MSc
Research and Education Assistant
Community Water, Climate & Future Delta's (WCFD)
prof. dr. Esther Stouthamer
Professordr. ir. M.M. (Mariet) Hefting
Researcherprof. dr. Hans Middelkoop
Professordr. G. (Gilles) Erkens
Researcherprof. dr. Marjolijn Haasnoot
Professordr. ir. Gualbert Oude Essink
Associate Professor
PhD Candidates NIOZ | PhD Candidates Other |