Gualbert Oude Essink, PhD (Civil Engineering, Delft University of Technology) is senior hydrogeologist at Deltares and associate professor at the Utrecht University works on groundwater in the coastal zone, with a focus on searching for sustainable solutions to improve water availability in coastal zones. He participates in (inter)national research projects on groundwater in the subsiding coastal zone under palaeo, anthropogenic, climate change and storm surge conditions; groundwater salinity mapping via airborne electromagnetic surveys; global quick scan freshwater resources. Gualbert participates in national funding programs and (applied) research projects on rapid groundwater salinity mapping (FRESHEM), smart salinity monitoring (WETSUS), modelling groundwater salinity, and operational management of salt-fresh water resources, such as GO-FRESH (Aquifer Storage and Recovery solutions for local fresh groundwater supply, Zeeland, The Netherlands) and COASTAR (on brackish groundwater extractions). Gu participates in projects in Belgium (FRESHEM for GO-FRESH), Egypt (Nile Delta water security), Singapore (Jurong Island, Managed Aquifer Recharge), Bangladesh (salt water intrusion in the Kulna area (SWIBANGLA)), and Vietnam (FAME: fresh water availability in the Mekong delta; Rise and Fall: subsidence and salinisation groundwater resources Mekong delta). He participates in scientific programs like Water Nexus and AquaConnect. He gives international courses and keynote lectures, convenes sessions on congresses, teaches since 1999 at IHE Delft, publishes in journals, supervises ~4 MSc students per year and 5 PhD-candidates (end of 2023).