
The board

The board comprises the faculty board, in which the faculty council acts as the advisory body. The faculty staff are assigned to departments, which provide the manpower for the programmes, research institutes and research groups.

Portret Wilco Hazeleger

Faculty board


Prof. Dr. Wilco Hazeleger
Secretary: Leonie Bladel

Vice Dean of Research

Prof. Dr. Marc Bierkens

Vice Dean of Education

Prof. Dr. Tine Beneker

Faculty Director

Drs. Liduine Bremer

Student representative

Fabian Tobben

Secretary to the Board

Drs. Carin van de Weerd-Nijboer

Faculty Secretariat

Strategic administrative consultation

By the Faculty Board and the chairpersons of the departments.

Faculty council

The faculty council is the student and employee participation body for the faculty. Half of the council members are employees, while the other half are students.