Access to data
There are now many webpages providing (inter)national access to research data. Here we list several important ones for the geosciences in Europe and beyond. Do you feel we’ve missed one? Contact us at
Re3Data: Catalogue of global data infrastructure, covering natural, engineering, life, humanities and social sciences.
Access to data
Pangaea - Earth and Environment science data: Wide range of global geoscientific data, with worldwide coverage.
Access to data
Copernicus Data Access Hubs: Worldwide satellite data from Copernicus and Sentinel programs, for use in Earth, Climate, Marine, Land and Atmosphere sciences.
Access to data
PDOK - Platform for high-quality geo-data: Portal to governmentally maintained geodata sets of the Netherlands.
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NCEI - National Centers for Environmental Information: NOAA National Centers for environmental information.
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EPOS-NL - European Plate Observing System - Netherlands: Rock physics, Analogue Modelling, Microscopy, Geological data and models.
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EPOS - Multi-Scale Labs: Rock physics, Analogue Modelling, Microscopy, Geochemistry, Paleomagnetism.
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EPOS - European Plate Observing System: Multi-discplinary data catalogue within solid Earth sciences in Europe.
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NLOG - Nederlandse Olie en Gas portaal: Borehole, seismological and production/injection data on Dutch energy and mineral exploration and production.
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ORFEUS - Observatories and Research Facilities for European Seismology: Seismological data in Europe and beyond.
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IEDA - Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance: Wide range in data portals and viewing tools, mainly for geochemistry and bathymetry worldwide.
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MagIC - Magnetics Information Consortium: Rock magnetic data.
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Earthref - Earth Reference data and models: Global data on rock magnetics, geochemistry, biogeoscience and Earth science education.
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Neotoma: Online hub for data, research, education, and discussion about paleoenvironments.
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IODP - International Ocean Discovery Program: DSDP, ODP and IODP data base.
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ACTRIS - Aerosol Clouds and Trace gases Research Infrastructure: Data on short-lived atmospheric constituents like aerosol clouds and trace gases.
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ICOS - Integrated Carbon Observation System: Environmental data from the ecosystem, atmosphere and ocean stations.
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ARISE - Atmospheric dynamics Research Infrastructure in Europe: Data on dynamics of the atmosphere from the ground to the mesosphere, through the use of complementary technologies and observation networks.
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Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service: Atmospheric data relating to air pollution and health, solar energy, greenhouse gases and climate forcing, anywhere in the world.
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EUMETSAT - View imagery and download data: EUMETSAT European Meteorological Satellite; data access options to view imagery and download data.
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NIOZ - Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research: Physical, chemical and biological data from estuaries and delta areas, coastal seas and open oceans developed at the Dutch institute for sea research NIOZ.
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SeaDataNet - Ocean and Marine Data Management: European collection of data deriving from seas and oceans.
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EMSO - European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water column Observatory: Bio-geo-chemical data from high-tech European surface and deep sea observation platforms.
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JERICO - Coastal marine system change appraisal: Physial, chemical and biological data from the European coast.
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Danubius: European infrastructure for and data on river-sea systems.
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OSPAR - Natural resources of the North-East Atlantic: OSPAR marine environment of the North-East Atlantic: human actitities, environment.
Access to data
LifeWatch - infrastructure for Biodiversity organisation and Ecosystem functions: Data from biological, environmental, earth and agricultural sciences in Europe.
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Espon - European knowledge base related to territorial dynamics: Social and life scientific, and geopgraphic data on the European territory and neighbouring countries.
Access to data
Eurostat - High quality statistics and data on Europe: Regional stats, economy, finance, population, agriculture, transport, trade, environment, energy.
Access to data
OCHA - Centre for Humanitarian Data: Humanitarian Data Exchange; open platform for discovering-sharing data across crises and organisations.
Access to data
CBS Statline: Open datasets with statistical information about Dutch economy and society.
Access to data