Geosciences Teacher Awards

The Faculty of Geosciences annually awards two teaching awards to teachers who have demonstrated outstanding or remarkable achievements in education. In addition to recognition for their contribution, the prize includes a certificate and a monetary award of €1,500, provided as a material budget that can be used for work-related purposes such as a study trip or books.

The teaching awards are presented in two categories: the Outstanding Teaching Award and the Teacher Talent Award. The Outstanding Teacher Award is meant for teachers with more than five years’ experience in academic teaching, while the Teacher Talent Award is meant for teachers with a maximum of five years’ experience in academic teaching.

The four student associations Helix, Storm, U.A.V., and V.U.G.S. nominate candidates based on a portfolio. A jury composed of both faculty members and students from the Faculty of Geosciences selects the winners.

The procedure for these faculty awards aligns as closely as possible with the process for the university-wide Outstanding Teaching Award and Teacher Talent Award of Utrecht University, using the same deadline and criteria. Additional information that is specific to the faculty nomination procedure and awards can be found in this document (pdf).


The jury is composed of teachers, including previous nominees and winners of the teaching awards, as well as students from the Faculty of Geosciences.

Currently, the jury consists of:

  • Anna Smits (HGSP)
  • Hans de Bresser (ES)
  • Brian Dermody (SD)
  • Piet van Leeuwen (student member)
  • Peter Pelzer (SGPL)
  • Quintijn Leng (student member)
  • Sanne Akerboom (SD)
  • Tjalling de Haas (PG)

The jury is chaired by the Vice-Dean of Education, Tine Beneker, who guides the process and does not have a vote in determining the winners. For questions and more information about the faculty teaching awards, please contact the secretary of the jury, Robert van Wijk, via