I am a researcher at Utrecht University

Yoda is the place for you as a researcher from Utrecht University to store, manage and share valuable data during all phases of your research project. You can benefit from Yoda in several ways. For example, it makes it possible for you to collaborate with others by giving them access to your data. Yoda allows you to work with big amounts of data, while making it easy to add metadata, archive and publish it. Also, you can easily make your data findable for others and thus contribute to ‘Open Science’. Here you can read more about the benefits from working with Yoda.

If you are new to Yoda, you start with requesting access. Once you have access, you can start using Yoda.  

Want to know more about research at Utrecht University? Read about it here. Do you have general questions about data management, your data management plan or do you need more help managing your data? Here you will find more information.