Yoda is a research data management service that enables you to store, share, archive and publish your research data throughout the research lifecycle. Working with Yoda is in line with the FAIR principles and open science. Yoda is suitable for a wide variety of data types and formats, including sensitive personal data.
Yoda enables you to collaborate with other researchers, both inside and outside your own institution. The software is developed at Utrecht University and is used by multiple organisations, both in the Netherlands and abroad.
On this website, you will find:
- information about the benefits of Yoda
- information about getting started with Yoda
- a guide for how to use Yoda
- a guide for Yoda data managers
- Frequently Asked Questions about Yoda
The information presented on this website is intended for all Yoda users, including the consortium partners. Provided are general and institution-specific information, on costs, terms of use and other specific details.
These are the Yoda consortium partners