Connecting to the Yoda Network Disk on Linux

1)    Open GNOME Files (formerly known as Nautilus) which can also be mentioned as ‘Files’ as an application name.

2)    Click on ‘Other locations’.

3)    Select ‘Connect to server’

4) Type in your YoDa address in the ‘Connect to Server’ bar. Note that ‘https’ is replaced by ‘davs’.

5) Provide your login credentials. The user name is your email address (in lowercase) and your password is the Data Access Password you created (see Using Data Access Passwords). After you have logged in, you have access to your research group. 


Mount Yoda in Linux permanently

The above steps unmount the drive when you turn of your computer. However, it does remember the address, therefore it is easily mapped again with these steps. If you would like to permanently manually mount Yoda in Linux, then follow these steps:

1) Open Terminal

2) Install davfs2 package 

  • for Debian based, type: apt-get install davfs2 
  • for Red Hat based, type: yum install davfs2 (If not found: yum install epel-release) 

3) Allow unprivileged users to use webdav (this step can be skipped on Red Hat based systems): 

  • type: dpkg-reconfigure davfs2 
  • select 'Yes' on the question 'Should unprivileged users be allowed to mount WebDAV resources?' 

4) Create a folder where webdav should mount: 

  • type: mkdir /mnt/webdav 

5) type (instead of nano, vi could also be used): nano /etc/fstab 

  • add the line: /mnt/webdav davfs user,noauto 0 0
    Note: this URL is an example. Here you will find the portals for your own faculty or research environment. 

6) Add user to davfs2 group (add your username at the 'username'): 

  • type: usermod -aG davfs2 username 

7) Log out (or reboot) to let the changes take effect 

8) Mount the webdav folder by typing: mount /mnt/webdav 

9) Now you can log in with your credentials. The user name is your email address (in lowercase) and your password is the Data Access Password you created (see Using Data Access Passwords). After you have logged in, you have access to your research group.

10) Your webdav folder (Yoda) should now be visible on the configured mount point.

If you want to unmount the folder, type: umount /mnt/webdav