Researchers of Sustainable Land
Meet the Copernicus Institute researchers working on Sustainable Land.
dr. Geanderson Ambrósio
Researcherdr. ir. Mariska te Beest
Associate ProfessorPelle Berkhout MA
PhD Candidatedr. Kristina Bogner
Assistant Professordr. Josephine Chambers
Assistant Professordr. ir. Joris Cromsigt
Associate ProfessorE.B.A. Diatmiko MSc
PhD Candidatedr. Jerry van Dijk
Associate Professordr. Ine Dorresteijn
Associate Professordr. Anna Duden
Assistant ProfessorConor Eastment MA
PhD Candidatedr. Oreane Edelenbosch
Assistant ProfessorSwantje Gebhardt MSc
PhD Candidateprof. dr. Jasper Griffioen
Professordr. ir. Dries Hegger
Associate Professordr. Floortje van der Hilst
Associate ProfessorKomar Javanmardi
PhD Candidateprof. dr. Martin Junginger
ProfessorKian Karimi MSc
PhD Candidatedr. Rak Kim
Associate Professordr. ir. C.G.M. (Kees) Klein Goldewijk
Assistant Professordr. Gerbrand Koren
Assistant Professordr. Martijn Kuller
Assistant ProfessorAnnick van der Laan MSc
PhD Candidatedr. Frank van Laerhoven
Associate Professordr. Stefanie Lutz
Assistant ProfessorEnrico Magazzino MSc
Visiting Researcherdr. Toon Meelen
Assistant Professordr. Kevin Mganga
Junior Assistant ProfessorMichelle van Mulken MSc
Junior Assistant ProfessorAnushri Narayan Visweswaran MSc
Junior Assistant ProfessorAmy Newsom MSc
Junior Assistant Professordr. Sietze Norder
Assistant ProfessorAstrid Odé MSc
PhD CandidateMayuri Phukan MSc
PhD Candidatedr. Britta Ricker
Assistant Professorprof. dr. ir. Max Rietkerk
Professorprof. dr. Hens Runhaar
ProfessorDaniil Scheifes MSc
Junior Assistant ProfessorAddowa Scherpenisse MSc
PhD Candidatedr. Paul Schot
Associate Professordr. Li Shen
Associate Professorprof. dr. Merel Soons
ProfessorKelly Streekstra MSc
PhD Candidatedr. Ralph Temmink
Assistant ProfessorJolanda Theeuwen MSc
PhD Candidatedr. Annisa Triyanti
Assistant ProfessorV.J. (Victor) Trouw MSc
Junior Assistant Professordr. René Verburg
Assistant Professordr. Pita Verweij
Associate Professordr. M.J. (Marjanneke) Vijge
Associate ProfessorAart Zwaan MSc
PhD Candidate