Governance Projects
Browse the diverse Governance projects hosted at the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development
Ongoing projects
PLANETSTEWARDS (2024-2029) | This project analyses different approaches to tackling outer-space sustainability issues, such as space debris, with the goal of formulating integrative strategies for sustainable stewardship of earth and space. More. |
DATA ALLY (2024-2028) | This project investigates how to rebalance the ‘data asymmetry’ between governments and businesses and how data shared by the private sector is used in government decisions on societal issues. More. |
JUSTNEXUS (2024-2028) | JUSTNEXUS fundamentally rethinks mobility and investigates how just sustainability transitions can be fostered at the intersection of mobility, energy and housing. More. |
ASMASYS-2-C (2024-2027) | Assessing Marine Carbon Removal: Synthesis, Scenarios & Governance. More. |
SEA-CCHange (2024-2027) | A three-year research program exploring how coastal communities perceive and adapt to climate change in relation to cultural heritage. More. |
NATURESCAPES (2023-2027) | The NATURESCAPES project aims to understand the trade-offs and synergies that are emerging as nature-based solutions are implemented across landscapes and the implications for biodiversity, climate and social justice. More. |
Re-NbS (2023-2027) | This project aims to redefine nature-based solutions (NbS) using ecological and governance perspectives to unravel ecological and governance potentials and limits of NbS in Indonesia to ensure resilience and sustainability. More. |
REWIRE (2023-2027) | Leveraging new collaborations for circular agriculture missions - a multilevel ecosystem approach. More. |
Data purchasing by governments in the context of societal challenges (2023-2024) | Creating an evidence base on when, how, for what purposes, and with what implications the Dutch authorities resort to purchasing data from the private sector for decision-making around societal challenges. More. |
WEF communities in South Africa: multi-actor nexus governance for social justice? | This transdisclinary project explores whether and under what conditions the Water-Energy-Food (WEF) nexus approach increases social justice in South Africa. More. |
DemoTrans (2022-2026) | DemoTrans investigate the interchange between democratic institutions and the globalisation of the economy to develop promising new approaches to re-embed democracy and capitalism. More. |
African Urban Futures (2022-) | This project aims to expand imaginaries about the possible futures for African cities to better achieve sustainability and justice outcomes, using infrastructure as an entry point. More. |
BACKLASH (2021-2026) | ERC-funded Climate Backlash: Contentious reactions to policy action (BACKLASH) studies the emergence and dynamics of volatile social-political reactions to climate policy. More. |
PROBLEMSHIFTING (2021-2026) | ERC-funded PROBLEMSHIFTING investigates the causes and effects of problem-shifting between international environmental treaty regimes, with a view to improving their overall effectiveness. More. |
Finished projects
GLOBALGOALS (2018-2023) | ERC-funded GlobalGoals analyses the evolution, effectiveness and future prospects of ‘global governance through goals’ as a central novel steering mechanism in world politics. More. |