Innovation Studies Section

The Innovation Studies Section is a dynamic and international multidisciplinary research and teaching group that strives to understand and communicate the dynamics of emerging technologies and innovations that are relevant for addressing urgent societal issues.
The basic starting point is that innovation is a collective act that involves a multitude of actors who cooperate and compete in networks and who are stimulated and constrained by an institutional setting. We see the innovation systems perspective as the most suitable framework to capture the interrelated and complex character of innovation processes.
We study innovation processes related to significant societal problems like climate change, sustainable energy provision, transportation systems, or the increasing costs of healthcare. We are especially interested in innovations related to technologies in an early stage of development. These so-called ‘emerging technologies’ are characterized by large technological, economic and societal uncertainties, a wide variety of visions and expectations and very volatile innovation dynamics.
Key research themes
- Dynamics of emerging technological innovation systems
- User–producer interactions in technological change
- Coordination through visions and expectations
- Strategies and collaborations in emerging technologies
Our research aims to strengthen the development of public innovation policies and private-sector innovation strategies. Through working with different kinds of societal actors, our insights support innovation processes that contribute to a more sustainable society.
Researchers in the Innovation Studies Section have backgrounds including the natural sciences, economics, social geography, political sciences, computational sciences, sociology, and philosophy.
Head of Section
prof. dr. Koen Frenken