
Apart from academic journal articles (see researcher personal pages), we also publish a variety of reports including white papers, policy briefs and advice. A selection is highlighted here.


  • Brinkel, N., van der Ree, B., Markotić, P., Henk Fidder, Kuiper, L., Berg, R., Refa, N. & van der Poel, S. (2024). Slim laden met flexibele nettarieven in Utrecht – Openbare eindrapportage. Utrecht University

  • European Environment Agency (EEA) (2024). Delivering justice in sustainability transitions. European Environment Agency. With key input from Flor Avelino, Kristina Bogner, Esther Janssen, Clara Uría Weis and Katinka Wijsman and building on an extensive EEA-commissioned literature review commissioned also including Sanne Akerboom, Niki Frantzeskaki, Elena Fumagalli, Agni Kalfagianni, Toon Meelen and Alex Myerson, with additional support from Niki Puskas and Silvia Seixas Lopes.

  • Meelen, T. & Sluijs, J.  (2024). Government ownership for Sustainability Transitions: Empirical Insights for EU Policymakers. In Bartl, M., van der Horst, N, Claassen R., Sustainable by Design: Industrial Policy for Long-Term Competitiveness in the EU. Amsterdam Centre for Transformative Private Law, University of Amsterdam.

  • Vivian, C., Boettcher, M., & Boyd, P. (2024). Potential of marine carbon dioxide removal (mCDR) to increase the ocean carbon sink. In UNESCO-IOC State of the Ocean Report 2024 (pp. 55-58). UNESCO-IOC/SCOR. doi:10.25607/4wbg-d349