Professor Jasper Griffioen has a part-time chair Water Quality Management at the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development (section Environmental Sciences) at the Faculty of Geosciences of Utrecht University. He is also an expert researcher at TNO Geological Survey of the Netherlands. He has a M.Sc and Ph.D in Earth Sciences from the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. He has been an expert on soil contamination in several cases for Dutch Courts of Justice. He is member of the Advisory Council Soil Protection per 1 July 2022. This technical council provides expert opinions on soil protection facilities.

He is specialised into environmental geochemistry and hydrology. In the course of 30 years, he performed studies for a wide variety of geographical settings ranging from an acid crater lake in Indonesia to leakage of deep wells (natural gas, hydrogen, geothermal) in the subsurface of the Netherlands. Here, he addressed contaminants such as nitrate, phosphate, natural fluoride or arsenic, zinc and cadmium, petroleum hydrocarbons as benzene, methane, PFAS and anti-biotics.

Water Quality Management
Inaugural lecture date