Modelling Projects

Browse the diverse Modelling projects hosted at the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development

Ongoing projects

ESCIB (2024-2028)

ESCIB will develop a robust method to assess the environmental sustainability and circularity of bio-based systems, taking into account spatial-explicit environmental impacts and temporal-explicit circularity measurements. More.

ASMASYS-2-C (2024-2027)
The ASMASYS project is tasked with the transdisciplinary assessment of the feasibility and desirability of various Marine Carbon Removal approaches. More.
ECO-MIND (2024-2027)

Enhancing pro-environmental behaviours and mental health through nature contact for urban youth: A multi-country study using geographic ecological momentary assessment and mental models. More.

MM&EMs (2023-2027)

This project takes an inter- and transdisciplinary approach to better understand both resistance and acceptance of wind energy deployment. More.

RESILIENCE (2023-2029)

RESILIENCE aims to advance our understanding and predictions of tipping and critical transitions in ecosystems and reveal how these can be evaded and even reversed through spatial pattern formation. More.

REPAIR (2022-2026)

This project aims to develop and implement technologies that remove non-CO₂ greenhouse gases from the atmosphere and the agricultural sector. Removal of the potent non-CO₂ greenhouse gases, methane (CH₄) and nitrous oxide (N₂O) can potentially mitigate global warming in the coming decades. More.

GAIM (2022-2026)

Long-term consumer and community empowerment in energy applications through inclusive game design, artificial intelligence and system modelling . More.

Rebound effects of circular business models (2022-2026)
This project is developing a framework combining environmental, behavioural and innovation sciences to better estimate the impact of circular business models, with a focus on rebound effects. More.

ERC-funded PROBLEMSHIFTING investigates the causes and effects of problem-shifting between international environmental treaty regimes, with a view to improving their overall effectiveness. More.

PICASSO (2021-2025)

This project aims to identify transformation processes needed for achieving a large set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and key synergies and trade-offs among SDG indicators. More.

Past projects

MECCA (2019-2023)

Targeting Mental Models of Climate Change Risk to facilitate Climate Action (MECCA) identified adaptation and mitigation strategies by analyzing the gap between perceptions of change and risk and projected impacts of human activities under changing climatic conditions in East and West Africa. More.

Climaginaries (2018-2022)

This project experimented with various techniques of collective imagination—from quantitative model-based scenarios to cultural representations—to better understand the transformative, often context-related capacity of imaginaries. More.