Personal grants & fellowships
awarded to (former) members of the Department. (Some awards were afterwards transferred to another institution, or not accepted at all, because of new career perspectives.)
SPINOZA premie
- prof. dr. ir. Jaap Sinninghe Damsté (2004)
(Innovational Research Incentive Schemes, incl. preceding schemes)
VICI (or PIONIER programme til 2002)
- prof. dr. Veerle Cnudde: “BugControl: protection of natural stone by bacteria”. 2021-2026
- dr. Douwe van Hinsbergen: “Plate tectonic chain reaction”. 2019-2024
- dr. Arwen Deuss: “Imaging the deep Earth: Attenuation tomography using novel observations of free oscillations”. 2016-2021
- dr. ir. Caroline Slomp: "Response of the iron biogeochemical cycle on continental shelves to seawater deoxygenation". 2014-2019
- dr. Wout Krijgsman: "The evolution of Paratethys: the lost sea of Central Eurasia". 2011-2016
- dr. Lucas Lourens: "Evolution of astronomically paced climate changes from Greenhouse to Icehouse world". 2010-2015
- dr. Stefan Schouten (at NIOZ): "From hothouse to icehouse: Evolution of Mesozoic and Cenozoic sea water temperatures". 2006-2011
- prof. dr. Rob van der Hilst: "Computational seismology: toward a quantitative understanding of Earth's deep interior". 2003-2008
- prof. dr. Jack Middelburg (at NIOO-CEME): "Sediment Biogeochemistry and Benthic Ecology: Two sides of the Carbon Processing Story". 2002-2007
- prof. dr. Philippe Van Cappellen: "Biogeochemical dynamics of redox-stratified environments". 2001-2006
- dr. Frits Hilgen: "Late Neogene climate variability in annual to Milankovitch frequency bands. An integrated Mediterranean approach". 1999-2003
- dr. Martyn Drury: "Deformation processes, rheology and tectonics of the Earth's upper mantle". 1995-2000
- dr. ir. Jaap Sinninghe Damsté: "Molecular palaeontology of marine sediments". 1993-1998
- prof. dr. Roel Snieder & prof. dr. Rinus Wortel: "Detailed Structure and Dynamics of the Upper Mantle". 1991-1996
Other equivalent/similar NWO programmes
- prof. dr. Jeannot Trampert: "Probabilistic tomography: from seismic waveforms to thermo-chemical models using neural networks". TOP-subsidie. 2011 - 2015
- dr. Mark Dekkers: "The natural remanent magnetization (NRM) in sedimentary rocks as a record of the Earth's magnetic field". 1997-2002
- dr. Ylona van Dinther: “Where will large earthquakes occur? A systemic answer”. 2025-2029
- dr. Oliver Plümper: “A multi-scale mechanistic approach to quantifying the release of volatiles in subduction zones (RELEASE)”. 2021-2026
- dr. ir. Francien Peterse: “Elucidating monsoon dynamics: deconvolving temperature and precipitation in East Asian climate reconstructions”. 2019-2024
- dr. Lennart de Groot: “The spatial and temporal evolution of geomagnetic anomalies”. 2019-2024
- dr. Laura Cobden: “Do thermochemical plumes exist in the Earth’s mantle? – Solving the enigma”. 2018-2023
- dr. Martin Ziegler: “Cenozoic ice sheets and global warming: Insights from clumped isotopes”. 2017-2022
- dr. Joris Eggenhuisen: "Eurotank studies of experimental deepwater sedimentology (EUROSEDS)" (awarded May 2014)
- dr. André Niemeijer: "Slip and earthquake nucleation in experimental and numerical simulations: a multi-scale, integrated and coupled approach (SEISMIC)" (awarded May 2013)
- dr. Johan Weijers: "Terra Incognita: Painting the picture of continental climate development during the Pliocene" (awarded May 2012)
- dr. Andreas Fichtner: "Full waveform inversion for upper-mantle density structure". (awarded May 2012)
- dr. Douwe van Hinsbergen: "Subduction initiation reconstructed from Neotethyan Kinematics (SINK)): An integrated geological and numerical study of the driving forces behind plate tectonics". (awarded May 2012)
- dr. Jorijntje Henderiks: "Climate adaption and long-term evolution". (awarded Nov. 2009)
- dr. Guillaume Dupont-Nivet: "Is the collision between India and Asia responsible for global climate cooling?". 2008-2012
- dr. Pierre Regnier: "Marine methane flux and climate change: from biosphere to geosphere". 2005-2010
- dr. ir. Caroline Slomp: "The global marine phosphorus cycle: from preservation mechanisms in sediments to global climate change". 2005-2010
- dr. Paul Mason: "No volcanic activity, no life". 2005-2010
- dr. Lucas Lourens: "Milankovitch climate forcing and the Earth's rate of rotation". 2003-2008
- dr. Wout Krijgsman: "Geodynamics and Climate". 2001-2006
- dr. Alissa Kotowski: "Overcoming the Resistance: Do first-order rheological changes due to Refrigeration-Weakening enable formation of a subduction plate boundary? (FORCE)". (awarded 2023)
- dr. Lydian Boschman: “The imprint of deep-time paleoenvironmental change on biodiversity”. (awarded 2021)
- dr. Marlow Cramwinckel: “Critical climate transitions”. (awarded 2021)
- dr. Dan Palcu: “Impact of sea-level rise on anoxic basins: Paratethys vs. Black Sea”. (awarded 2021)
- dr. Tanja Stratmann: “Metabolic activity of individual benthic fauna in deep-sea habitats (INBREATH)”. (awarded 2021 -> @NIOZ)
- dr. Olivier Sulpis: “Aragonite at the Seafloor: a secret PlayEr in the ReGulation of Earth’s climate? (ASPERGE)”. (awarded 2021)
- dr. Maartje Houben: “Mapping the highways and byways of fluid transport in shale rocks”. (awarded 2016)
- dr. Case van Genuchten: “Investigating the geochemical and electrochemical controls on the formation, stability, and arsenic uptake mechanism of mixed valent Fe(II,III) phases generated by Fe(0) electrocoagulation” (awarded July 2015)
- dr. Lennart de Groot: “Capturing short-lived treats of the Earth’s magnetic field” (awarded July 2015)
- dr. Peter Kraal: "Iron mineral transformations and preservation" (awarded July 2014)
- dr. Amir Raoof: "Bridging the gap between the pore and macroscales: the missing link in modelling solute transport through unsaturated zone" (awarded July 2014)
- dr. ir. Francien Peterse: "The dynamics of land-sea carbon transfer" (awarded July 2013)
- dr. Peter Bijl: "The Dawn of Greenhouse Earth: climate and carbon cycle dynamics of the Paleocene" (awarded July 2013)
- dr. Oliver Plümper: "Reaction-induced fracturing and the force of crystallization: How fluids eat their way through impermeable rocks" (awarded July 2013)
- dr. Jorien Vonk: "Ancient organic matter that matters: the fate of Siberia Yedoma deposites" (awarded July 2012 -> @VUA)
- dr. Micha Ruhl: "Quantification of environmental response to large-scale greenhouse gas release: an integrated organic-inorganic geochemical approach to quantify rate and magnitude of carbon release driven environmental change during past global mass extinctions" (awarded July 2012 -> @NIOZ)
- dr. Sebastiaan Rampen: "A novel tool for continental climate reconstruction: long-chain diols in lake sediments" (awarded July 2012 -> @NIOZ)
- dr. Hemmo Abels: "Terrestrial climate change and river floodplain dynamics during extreme greenhouse conditions in the Early Eocene". 2012-2015
- dr. Silja Hüsing: "Middle Miocene global cooling: climate change through gateway closure?". 2010-2013
- dr. André Niemeijer: "Laboratory simulation of the earthquake cycle on continental faults". 2009-2012
- dr. Iuliana Vasiliev: "Paratethys hydrological budget during the Messinian Salinity Crisis". 2009-2012
- dr. Johan Weijers: "Continental climate reconstruction; validation and application of a new molecular palaeothermometer". 2008-2011
- dr. Auke Barnhoorn: "Deformation and anisotropy in the deep upper mantle and continental subduction zones: a study of Norwegian ultra-high pressure peridotites". 2007-2010
- dr. Klaudia Kuiper: "Calibrating Earth history". awarded 2007
- dr. Sandra Langezaal: "Benthic foraminifera: overlooked participants in the nitrogen cycle". awarded 2007
- dr. Mariëtte Wolthers: "Mimicking Trace Element Incorporation during Calcite biomineralisation: constraints on vital effects". 2007-2010
- dr. Douwe van Hinsbergen: "Exhumation with a twist: the evolving anatomy of a metamorphic core complex". 2006-2009
- dr. Guillaume Dupont-Nivet: "Coupled geodynamic to climatic changes during Tibetian uplift". 2005-2008
- dr. Sander Ernst: "Life from the past? A field and experimental study of changing (paleo)ecological signsla in the transition from living to dead foraminiferal assemblages". 2005-2009
- dr. Saskia ten Grotenhuis: "Small-scale structures determine the strength of the Earth's crust". 2005-2008
- dr. Anniet Laverman: "Relating microbes and biogeochemical process rates - response to environmental perturbations". 2003-2006
ASPASIA programme
- dr. Francien Peterse, in addition to her VIDI-grant 2018
- dr. Arwen Deuss, in addition to her VICI-grant. 2016
- dr. ir. Caroline Slomp, in addition to her VIDI-grant. 2006
NWO-FOM-SHELL CSER Programme (Computational Science for Energy Research)
- dr. Mariëtte Wolthers: “Bridging scales: computing the dynamics of mineral dissolution and growth at the atomic-to-continuum scale in carbonate rocks” (2015-2020)
RUBICON programme
- dr. Tanja Stratmann. “Gold rush in the deep sea: Impacts of deep-sea mining induced sediment plumes on the abyssal ecosystem.”
Max-Planck-Institut für Marine Mikrobiologie, Bremen (Germany). Granted January 2019, for 2 years. - dr. Wentao Huang. “Dating erosion and ground water flow on the roof of the world.”
University of Arizona, Department of Geosciences (USA). Granted July 2015, for 2 years. - dr. Martin Ziegler, "Natuurlijke variabiliteit in CO2 – Analoog voor het globale klimaat aan het eind van de 21ste eeuw?"
Columbia University, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (USA). Granted December 2009, for 2 years. - dr. Sandra Arndt, "De broeikas afkoelen"
Université Paul Sabbatier, Laboratoire des Mécanismes et Transferts en Géologie - LMTG (France). Granted March 2008, for 2 years. - dr. Nynke Keulen, "Weakening of basaltic fault rock deformed at a seismic slip-rate"
Centre National de Recherche Scientifique Université Joseph Fourier (France) & Hiroshima University (Japan). Granted July 2007, for 2 years. - dr. Vincent van Hinsberg, "Element partitioning between minerals and fluids as a tool to unravel the chemical evolution of fluids"
McGill University, Montreal (Canada). Granted April 2007, for 2 years. - dr. Kim Berlo, "The distribution and interaction of exsolved volatiles and magma prior to volcanic eruptions"
McGill University, Montreal (Canada). Granted July 2006, for 2 years. - dr. André Niemeijer, "Mechanical and hydraulic evolution of fractures and faults in the Earth's crust"
Pennsylvania State University (USA). Granted March 2006, for 2 years.
TOPTALENT programme
- Sabine den Hartog MSc, "Rheological behaviour and slip stability of megathrust earthquake faults"
Granted May 2008, start Ph.D. fall 2008
ERC Synergy Grant
- prof. dr. ir. Caroline Slomp (UU) & prof. dr. ir Mike Jetten (RUN)
MARIX: Methane and ammonium removal in redox transition zones. 2019
ERC Advanced Grant
- prof. dr. ir. Jaap Sinninghe Damsté (at NIOZ)
MICROLIPIDS: Microbial Lipids: The three domain lipid divide revisited. 2016 - prof. dr. ir. Majid Hassanizadeh
PorSci: A new paradigm in modelling flow and transport in porous media: revisiting foundations of porous media science. 2013 - prof. dr. ir. Stefan Schouten (at NIOZ)
DOILS: Long chain diols as novel organic proxies for paleoclimate reconstructions. 2013 - prof. dr. Jeannot Trampert
iGEO: Integrated Geodynamics: Reconciling geophysics and geochemistry. 2012 - prof. dr. ir. Jaap Sinninghe Damsté
PACEMAKER: Past continental climate change: temperatures from marine and lacustrine archives. 2008
ERC Consolidator Grant
- dr. Ylona van Dinther
RESET: mega-thRust Earthquake SystEm Theory. 2024 - dr. Mariëtte Wolthers
CRYSTAL CLEAR: Determining the impact of charge on crystal nucelation. 2018 - prof. dr. Appy Suijs
SPANC: Evolution and Variability of Climate Sensitivity and Polar Amplification during CeNozoic Warm Climates. 2017 - dr. Helge Niemann (at NIOZ)
VORTEX: Plastic in the Ocean: Microbial Transformation of an ‘Unconventional’ Carbon Substrate. 2017 - dr. Arwen Deuss
ATUNE: Attentuation Tomography Using Novel observations of Earth’s free oscillations. 2016
ERC Starting Independent Researcher Grant
- dr. Emilia Jarochowska
MindTheGap: Quantifying the completeness of the stratigraphic record and its role in reconstructing the tempo and mode of evolution. 2022 - dr. Lennart de Groot
MIMATOM: Paleomagnetism and rock-magnetism by Micro-Magnetic Tomography. 2019 - dr. Oliver Plümper
NANOEARTH: The nanoscale control of reactive fluids on geological processes within the solid Earth. 2019 - dr. Peter Bijl
OceaNice: Paleoceanography of the Ice-proximal Southern Ocean during Past Warm Climates. 2018 - dr. André Niemeijer
SEISMIC: Slip and Earthquake nucleation in Experimental and numerical Simulations: a Multi-scale, Integrated and Coupled approach. 2013 - dr. Johan Weijers
New proxies to quantify continental climate development during the Pliocene. 2012 - dr. Douwe van Hinsbergen
SINK: Subduction Initiation reconstructed from Neotethyan Kinematics: An iterative geological and numerical study of the driving forces behind plate tectonics. 2012 - dr. ir. Caroline Slomp
PHOXY: Phosphorus dynamics in low-oxygen marine systems: quantifying the nutrient-climate connection in Earth’s past, present and future. 2011 - dr. Appy Sluijs
DINOPRO: From Protist to Proxy: Dinoflagellates as signal carriers for climate and carbon cycling during past and present extreme climate transitions. 2010
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
- European Postdoctoral Fellowship (PF), dr. Lotta Ternieten
ECoCT: Experimental constraints on carbon transformation and reactivity of abiotic/ biotic compounds during serpentinization within the lithosphere. 2024-2026 - European Postdoctoral Fellowship (PF), dr. Mark Sier
ABCCycle: Awash Baringo Correlation and Cyclostratigraphy: Human evolution and paleoclimate. 2023-2025 - Individual Fellowship (IF-EF), dr. Elenora van Rijsingen
SEGMENT: Studying the Effect of Geometrical Features on Megathrust Earthquakes using Natural Observations and Seismotectonic Numerical Models. 2021-2023 - Individual Fellowship (IF-EF), dr. Niels de Winter
UNBIAS: UNravelling BIvAlve Shell chemistry: Advanced techniques for accurate reconstructions of sub-annual climate. 2020-2022 - Individual Fellowship (IF-EF), dr. José Mogollón
COASTAL HYPOXIA: Disentangling anthropogenic and natural causes for global coastal hypoxia. 2015-2017 - Individual Fellowship (IF-EF), dr. Martin Ziegler
CLUMPLAB: A clumped isotope laboratory for the Netherlands. 2015-2017 - International Outgoing Fellowship (PIOF), dr. Helen King (transferred from UCL)
TMuPiFe: Tracing microbes using phosphate in Fe-oxide environments. 2014-2015 - International Outgoing Fellowship (PIOF), dr. Vasileios Chatzaras
RHEOMANTLE: Evaluation of mantle rheology in exhumed strike-slip faults. 2014-2016 - Incoming International Fellow (IIF), dr. Natalia Chubar
FEMN BIOSORP: Redox cycling of iron and manganese – the role of biosorption. 2006-2008 - Intra-European Fellowship (IEF), dr. Fatimá Martín-Hernandez:
PYRRHAMAS: The influence of magnetic anisotropy on the direction of natural remanences in pyrrohotite and hematite bearing rocks. 2004-2007 - Intra-European Fellowship (IEF), dr. Guillaume Dupont-Nivet
Tibetan uplift and related climate change. 2003-2005
High-Potential Programme
- dr. Gert-Jan Reichart, with dr. Rike Wagner and dr. Stefan Dekker: "Hurricanes and Global Change". 2006-2011
- dr. ir. Caroline Slomp, with dr. Hans Middelkoop: "Modeling nutrient fluxes at the land-ocean interface: terrestrial controls, impact on coastal waters and response to global change". 2005-2010
- dr. Wout Krijgsman, with dr. Wolfram Kürschner: "Earth and Life's history: from Core to Biosphere". 2005-2010
Helmholtz-University Young Investigator Group
- dr. Ilka Weikusat
"The effect of deformation mechanisms for ice-sheet dynamics". Through the grant a new research team combines and strengthens research between Alfred-Wegener-Institut Bremerhaven, the Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, and the Utrecht Department of Earth Sciences. 2012-2017 - dr. Martin Thullner
"Geomicrobial Reactive Transport Systems: Model Developments and Environmental Applications". Through the grant a new research team combines and strengthens research between the Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ in Leipzig, Germany, and the Utrecht Department of Earth Sciences. 2007-2012