Data Services
The services provided by the EPOS-NL infrastructure are embedded in the three levels of the European EPOS structure, which will be fully operational from 1 October 2019. EPOS-NL is a consortium of the Dutch National Research infrastructures (NRIs). Data services provided from the NRIs are grouped in the EPOS thematic core services (TCS). A central access point will be provided by the EPOS integrated core services (ICS) which provide the portal and discovery functions for access to data and laboratory services.
In the pre-operational phase, before 1 October 2019, the EPOS-NL website will provide the temporary, single central access point for external users. In the operational phase of EPOS, the EPOS-ICS will provide the single central access point for EPOS-NL data services and facility access.

The ORFEUS data centre hosted by the KNMI, plays a leading role in the EPOS seismology thematic core service (TCS). ORFEUS is the European data centre for broadband seismic waveform data. Nationally ORFEUS is crucial in the monitoring and provision of data from a unique geophysical, seismic and satellite monitoring network, focusing on induced earthquakes in the Groningen gas field and natural earthquakes in the tectonically active regions of Europe.
The Multi-scale laboratories TCS is co-ordinated by Utrecht University and includes a wide range of world-class laboratories. Most data produced by the various laboratory centres and networks are presently available only in limited 'final form' in publications. A lot of data remains inaccessible and/or poorly preserved. The MSL_TCS will collect and harmonise available and emerging laboratory data on the properties and processes controlling rock system behaviour at multiple scales.