
Full-time chairs

fully appointed at, and paid for by UU
Aquatic GeochemistryProf. dr. Mariëtte Wolthers
Electron microscopy and nanostructuresProf. dr. Martyn Drury
General geochemistryProf. dr. Jack Middelburg
Global Tectonics and PaleogeographyProf. dr. Douwe van Hinsbergen
PaleoclimatologyProf. dr. Lucas Lourens
PaleoceanographyProf. dr. Appy Sluijs
Paleomagnetism / MagnetostratigraphyProf. dr. Wout Krijgsman
PetrologyProf. dr. Paul Mason
SeismologyProf. dr. Jeannot Trampert
Structure and composition of Earth's deep interiorProf. dr. Arwen Deuss
Teaching and learning environment in Earth SciencesProf. dr. Hans de Bresser
Tectonics and sedimentary basinsProf. dr. Liviu Matenco

Part-time chairs

0.1 - 0.4 fte appointed at, and paid for by UUOther employer or affiliation
Geothermal explorationProf. dr. Jan-Diederik van WeesTNO
Marine biogeochemistryProf. dr. ir. Caroline SlompRUN
Marine geologyProf. dr. Gert-Jan ReichartRoyal NIOZ
Molecular paleontologyProf. dr. ir. Stefan SchoutenRoyal NIOZ
Ocean and climate changeProf. dr. Eelco RohlingUniv. of Southampton
Organic geochemistryProf. dr. ir. Jaap Sinninghe DamstéRoyal NIOZ
Porous media imaging techniquesProf. dr. Veerle CnuddeGhent University
Theoretical geochemistry and mineralogyProf. dr. Nora de LeeuwUniv. of Leeds
Vertebrate paleontologyProf. dr. Anne SchulpNaturalis

Chairs by special appointment (& unpaid chairs)

Usually 0.2 fte appointed at UU by employerEmployer
Marine palaeobiologyProf. dr. Henk BrinkhuisRoyal NIOZ
Marine ecosystem modellingProf. dr. Karline SoetaertRoyal NIOZ
Microbial and isotope biogeochemistryProf. dr. Helge NiemannRoyal NIOZ
Multiscale fluid-rock interactionsProf. dr. Fadi NaderIFPEN

Honorary chairs

Emeritus Distinguished Professor (Tectonics)Prof. dr. Sierd Cloetingh 
Emeritus Analysis and modeling of transport processes in porous mediaProf. dr. Hans van Duijn 


Retired and/or left