Participation in EU/EC programmes

The department of Earth Sciences participates in the following EU-financed programmes and projects:

  • ABCCycle: Awash Baringo Correlation and Cyclostratigraphy: Human evolution and paleoclimate
    Dr. Mark Sier
  • C-BLUES: Carbon sequestration in blue ecosystems
    Dr. Cale Miller
  • ECoCT: Experimental constraints on carbon transformation and reactivity of abiotic/ biotic compounds during serpentinization within the lithosphere
    Dr. Lotta Ternieten
  • EXCITE (phases 1 & 2): Electron and X-ray microscopy Community for structural and chemical Imaging Techniques for Earth materials
    Prof. dr. Veerle Cnudde, Dr. Richard Wessels, Dr. Geertje ter Maat, and Dr. Oliver Plümper
  • EPOS European Plate Observing System (European Research Infrastructure on Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Surface Dynamics and Tectonics)
    Prof. dr. Martyn Drury, Dr. Ronald Pijnenburg, Dr. Ernst Willingshofer, and others
  • FluidNET: Fluids driving the evolution of the continental crust: influence of pathway networks, fluxes, and time scales
    Dr. Oliver Plümper, Dr. Helen King
  • LEAP-RE: Long-Term Joint EU-AU Research and Innovation Partnership on Renewable Energy.
    Dr. Fred Beekman and others
  • MiBiRem: Toolbox for Microbiome based Remediation.
    Dr. Alraune Zech and others
  • P-TRAP: Diffuse phosphorus input to surface waters - new concepts in removal, recycling and management
    Dr. Thilo Behrends
  • Past-to-Future (P2F): towards fully paleo-informed future climate projections.
    Prof. dr. Lucas Lourens, Dr. Martin Ziegler
  • SALTGIANT: Understanding the Mediterranean Salt Giant
    Prof. dr. Wout Krijgsman, Dr. Paul Meijer
  • TALENTS: The doctoral rift science network for the energy transition
    Dr. André Niemeijer
  • TREAD: Data and processes in seismic hazard
    Dr. Ylona van Dinther, Dr. André Niemeijer

Former Participations

 HORIZON 2020 
CREEPComplex rheologies in Earth dynamics and industrial processesITN
CLUMPLABA clumped isotope lab for the NetherlandsIF
COASTAL HYPOXIADisentangling anthropogenic and natural causes for global coastal hypoxiaIF
DESTRESSDemonstration of soft stimulation treatments of geothermal reservoirsRIA
GEMexCooperation in Geothermal energy research Europe-Mexico for development of Enhanced Geothermal Systems and Superhot Geothermal SystemsRIA
PRIDEDrivers of Pontocaspian biodiversity RIse and DEmiseITN
SEGMENTStudying the effect of geometrical features on megathrust earthquakes using natural observations and seismotectonic numerical modelsIF
SponGESDeep-sea Sponge Grounds Ecosystems of the North Atlantic: an integrated approach towards their preservation and sustainable exploitationRIA
SUBITOPUnderstanding subduction zone topography through modelling of coupled shallow and deep processesITN
UNBIASUnravelling bivalve shell chemistry: advanced techniques for accurate reconstructions of sub-annual climateIF
 7th Framework Programme 
EPOCAEuropean Project on Ocean AcidificationIP
IMAGEIntegrated Methods for Advanced Geothermal ExplorationRTD
MEDGATEReconstructing Mediterranean-Atlantic exchange during the MioceneITN
ReCosyRedox processes controlling subsurface systemsRTD
CRYSTAL2PLATEHow does plate tectonics work: From crystal-scale processes to mantle convection with self-consistent platesITN
GTSnextTowards the next generation Geological Time Scale for the last 100 million yearsITN
QUESTQUantitative Estimation of Earth's Seismic Sources and StructureITN
PERSEUSPolicy-orientated marine Environmental Research for the Southern European SeasITN
THROUGHFLOWCenozoic evolution of the Indonesian throughflow and the origins of Indo-Pacific marine biodiversityITN
TOPOMODSculpting the Earth's topography: insides from modeling deep surface processesITN
UltimateCO2Understanding the Long-Term fate of geologically stored CO2ITN
RHEOMANTLEEvaluation of mantle rheology in exhumed strike-slip faultsIOF
NANOREMNanotechnology for contaminated land RemediationLIP
EUROPLANETEuropean Planetology NetworkINFRA
HYDRALAB IVDealing with the complex interaction of water with environmental elements, sediment, structures and iceINFRA
BALTIC GASMethane emission in the Baltic Sea: Gas storage and effects of climate change and eutrophicationBONUS+
HYPERHypoxia mitigation for Baltic Sea Ecosystem RestorationBONUS+