Awards, prizes, recognitions




  • Prof. Dr Ir Caroline Slomp (marine biogeochemistry): Honorary Doctorate of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Lund University, Sweden
  • Em.-Prof. Dr Jelle Reumer (paleotontology): Royal Distinction 'Officer of the Order of Orange-Nassau'
  • Dr Emilia Jarochowska (paleontology): The Hodson Prize, by the Palaeontological Association
  • Dr Lennart de Groot (paleomagnetism): Teacher of the Year award 2025, Faculty of Geosciences
  • Dr Alissa Kotowski (structural geology): Teacher Talent of the Year award 2025, Faculty of Geosciences
  • Dr Lydian Boschman (biogeography): Vening Meinesz Prize 2024 awarded by KNGMG and NWO


  • Marjolein Naudé: Teacher Talent of the Year award 2024, Faculty of Geosciences
  • Dr Reza Derakshani, Vahid Nikpeyman & Dr Amir Raoof (hydrogeology): Best Poster Award at Geoscience Research Day 2023 for the poster Bridging AI and Geosciences
  • Dr Douwe van der Meer et al. (mantle dynamics): Best Paper Award for Gondwana Research in 2022 for Long-term Phanerozoic global mean sea level: Insights from strontium isotope variations and estimates of continental glaciation
  • Prof Lex Bouwman (geochemistry): Anton Bruun Memorial Lecture and Medal honour (UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission)
  • Pelle Adema (sedimentology): Best Presentation at the Mixed System Conference 2023 (AAPG)
  • Prof Rien van Genuchten (hydrogeology): The Wolf Prize in Agriculture 2023
  • Prof Appy Sluijs (paleoceanography): Elected member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW)
  • Bram Vaes (mantle dynamics): IAGA Early Career Award 2023 (International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy)
  • Matheus Kroth et al. (sedimentology): Best Poster award at NAC2023 for Hydro)stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous to Danian Chalk Group of South Limburg, the Netherlands


  • Eldert Fokker (seismology): Outstanding Student Presentation Award at the AGU Fall Meeting 2022 for Monitoring tool for 4D hydrological pore pressure variation
  • Dr Lennart de Groot (paleomagnetism) & Barbara Braams (VUA): The Communication Initiative 2022 award of NWO for De Hoe?Zo! show
  • Prof. Jack Middelburg (geochemistry): Elected Fellow of the American Geophysical Union (AGU).
  • Dr Laura Cobden (seismology): Zatman Lecture at the 17th symposium of SEDI in Zürich, July 2022.
  • Austin Arias (structural geology): Outstanding Student & PhD candidate Presentation (OSPP) at the EGU 2022 for the poster/PICO Multidimensional analysis of serpentinite dehydration networks and implications for volatile flux in subduction zones.
  • Dr Johan van der Burgh (palaeobotany): Ridder in de Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw, Royal Distinction.
  • Erik van der Wiel (mantle dynamics): Outstanding Student Poster Award at 2022 Ada Lovelace Workshop on Numerical Modelling of Mantle and Lithosphere Dynamics for Dynamics of upper and lower mantle subduction and its effects on the amplitude and pattern of mantle flow
  • Bram Vaes (mantle dynamics): Outstanding Student Presentation Award at 17th Castle Meeting
  • David Vargas et al. (seismology): Honorable Mention as Best Paper in GEOPHYSICS for Scattering-based focusing for imaging in highly complex media from band-limited, multicomponent data (Vol. 86, Iss. 5, 2021)
  • Marieke Cuperus (stratigraphy): KNGMG Jelgersma award for best Dutch BSc thesis in Earth Sciences in 2021: Gradual cooling precedes transitions to stadial conditions during the interval betweeen 27 ka and 47 ka.


  • Bram Vaes (global tectonics): Student Author Award for the paper Reliability of palaeomagnetic poles from sedimentary rocks in Geophysical Journal International (Vol. 225, Iss. 2, May 2021)
  • Dr. Frits Hilgen (stratigraphy): International Premi Antonio Feltrinelli, each 5 years awarded by the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Italy, and reserved for Geosciences in 2021
  • Dr. Inge Loes ten Kate (astrobiology, planetary geology): Asteroid (563318) = 2016 CD144 is henceforth known as (563318) ten Kate
  • Prof. Majid Hassanizadeh (hydrogeology): Elected member of the Academia Europaea
  • Prof. Appy Sluijs (paleoceanography): Elected member of the Koninklijke Hollandse Maatschappij der Wetenschappen (KHMW)


  • Dr Hamed Aslannejad (hydrogeology): InterPore PoreLab Award for Young Researchers.
  • Prof. Arwen Deuss (seismology): Athena Award of the NWO Dutch Research Council, for female researchers that stand out, and because of that are role models for others.
  • Dr Ylona van Dinther (geophysics/tectonics): Early Career Award of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences KNAW.
  • Dr Niels de Winter (stratigraphy & paleontology): Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award of the European Geosciences Union EGU.
  • Dr Oliver Plümper (structural geology): Research Excellence Medal of the European Mineralogical Union.
  • Dr Oliver Plümper (structural geology): Elected Fellow of the Young Academy of Europe.
  • Prof. Jaap Sinninghe Damsté (organic geochemistry): Elected member of the Academia Europea.
  • Dr Amir Raoof (hydrogeology): InterPore Proctor & Gamble award for porous media research.
  • Prof. Caroline Slomp (geochemistry): Elected Geochemistry Fellow by the Geochemical Society and European Association of Geochemistry.


  • Prof. Majid Hassanizadeh (hydrogeology): The 2019 Robert E. Horton Medal from the American Geophysical Union (AGU) for his outstanding contributions to hydrology.
  • Prof. Gert de Lange (marine geochemistry): Elected Fellow of the American Geophysical Union (AGU).
  • Prof. Jack Middelburg (geochemistry): Elected member of the Academia Europea.
  • Dr. Florian Pohl et al. (sedimentology): 2019 Outstanding Student Poster and PICO (OSPP) Award of the European Geosciences Union (EGU).
  • Dr. Jõao Trabucho Alexandre et al. (sedimentology): Best Poster award at NAC2019, the 15th Netherlands Earth Sciences Conferences.
  • Chris Fokkema et al. (marine palynology & paleoceanography): 2nd Best Poster award at NAC2019, the 15th Netherlands Earth Sciences Conferences. 
  • Marlow Cramwinckel et al. (marine palynology & paleoceanography): 3rd Best Poster award at NAC2019, the 15th Netherlands Earth Sciences Conferences.
  • Joëlle Kubeneck (geochemistry): Escher prize, of the Royal Geological and Mining Society of the Netherlands (KNGMG) for the best MSc. thesis in Earth Sciences in the Netherlands in the year 2017-2018.
  • Dr. Peter Bijl (marine palynology & paleoceanography): Elected member of the Utrecht Young Academy (UYA).
  • Prof. Jack Middelburg (geochemistry): Elected Geochemistry Fellow (Geochemical Society and the European Association of Geochemistry).
  • Prof. Sierd Cloetingh (tectonics): Elected IUGG Fellow (International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics).


  • Prof. Caroline Slomp (geochemistry): Paul W. Gast Lecture at the Goldschmidt Conference 2018 in Boston, USA.
  • Dr. Yona van Dinther (tectonics): Jason Morgan Early Career Award 2018 from the section Tectonophysics of the American Geophysical Union (AGU).
  • Dr. Lennart de Groot (paleomagnetism): William Gilbert Award 2018 from the section Geomagnetism, Paleomagnetism, and Electromagnetism of the American Geophysical Union (AGU).
  • Dr. Oliver Plümper (structural geology): 2018 Victor-Moritz-Goldschmidt prize from the German Mineralogical Society.
  • Dr. Peter Bijl (marine palynology & paleoceanography): Heineken Young Scientist Award 2018 of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW).
  • Prof. Jeannot Trampert (seismology), Prof. Arwen Deuss (seismology): Elected members of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW).
  • Prof. Stefan Schouten (organic geochemistry): 2018 Alfred Treibs Medal from the Geochemical Society, Organic Geochemistry Division.
  • Dr. Douwe van Hinsbergen (mantle dynamics): Best Teacher Award in UU Geosciences 2018.
  • Dr. Ivan Pires de Vasconcelos (seismology): Chosen 2018 Honorary Lecturer Europe by the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG). Lecture: Full-wavefield focusing in seismic imaging – Concepts, applications, and examples.
  • Dr. Amir Raoof (hydrogeology): Teacher Talent Award in UU Geosciences 2018.


  • Dr. Helen King (petrology): elected member of the Utrecht Young Academy (UYA).
  • Prof. Jelle Reumer (paleontology): 2017 Groeneveld prize from the Groeneveld Foundation for his rich oeuvre that contributes to the debate on nature and landscape in the Netherlands.
  • Dr. Frits Hilgen (stratigraphy): Elected member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW).
  • Prof. Sierd Cloetingh (tectonics): Emil Wiechert Medal of the Deutsche Geophyskalische Gesellschaft (DGG).
  • Ioannis Zarikos (hydrogeology): Best Poster Award at the annual meeting of the International Society of Porous Media (Interpore).
  • Prof. Appy Sluijs (marine palynology & paleoceanography): Ammodo KNAW Award 2017 in Natural Sciences.
  • Dr. Elmer Ruigrok (seismology): Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award from the European Geosciences Union (EGU), division of Seismology.
  • Lydian Boschman (mantle dynamics): Outstanding Student Presentation Award at the AGU Fall Meeting 2017 for Paleomagnetic Constraints on the Tectonic History of the Mesozoic Ophiolite and Arc Terranes of Western Mexico.
  • Prof. Jack Middelburg (geochemistry): Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky Medal from the European Geosciences Union (EGU), division of Biogeosciences.
  • Prof. Chris Spiers (experimental rock deformation): Louis Néel Medal from the European Geosciences Union (EGU), division of Magnetism, Paleomagnetism and Rock Physics.


  • Jan de Leeuw (sedimentology): Harold Reading Medal of the British Sedimentological Research group (BSRG) for the best publication arising directly from a PhD project in the field of sedimentology and stratigraphy during the previous year: Morphodynamics of submarine channel inception revealed by new experimental approach, Nature Communications 7, 10866.
  • Lydian Boschman (mantle dynamics): Outstanding Student Presentation Award at the AGU Fall Meeting 2016 for On the enigmatic birth of the Pacific Plate within the Panthalassa Ocean.
  • Prof. Ruud Schotting & Dr. Amir Raoof (hydrogeology): Open Mind Award of the Dutch Science Foundation STW for their research proposal Towards drought preparedness: how simple can it be?
  • Anouk Beniest (tectonics): Outstanding Student Poster and PICO award at the European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly for the poster Uplift of sedimentary basins in an extensional setting as a result of the migration of a thermal anomaly.
  • Marlow Cramwinckel (marine palynology & paleoceanography): Poster award at ICP12, the International Conference on Paleoceanography 2016.
  • Anne Roepert (geochemistry): Poster award at ICP12, the International Conference on Paleoceanography 2016 for the poster Cl/Ca ratio of coccoliths as a salinity proxy?
  • Dr. Francien Peterse (organic geochemistry), Dr. Amir Raoof (hydrogeology), Dr. João Trabucho (sedimentology): elected members of the Utrecht Young Academy (UYA).
  • Dr. Mathilde Hagens (geochemistry): Poster prize at Utrecht Sustainability Conference 2016.
  • Prof. Appy Sluijs (marine palynology & paleoceanography): James B. Macelwane Medal 2016, awarded by the American Geophysical Union (AGU).
  • Prof. Jeannot Trampert (seismology): Elected member of the Academia Europaea.
  • Prof. Wim Spakman (mantle dynamics): Elected foreign member of the Norwegian Academy for Sciences and Letters.
  • Prof. Henk Brinkhuis (marine palynology & paleoceanography): Elected member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW).
  • Margriet Lantink et al. (petrology): Best Poster Award at NAC13, the 13th Netherlands Earth Sciences Conferences 2016, for the poster Fe isotopes of a ~2.4 Ga hematite-rich IF confirm oxygenation of the Transvaal Basin in relation to the GOE.
  • Dr. Daniel Pastor-Galan & Prof. Rob van der Voo (paleomagnetism): Best Poster Award at NAC13, the 13th Netherlands Earth Sciences Conferences 2016, for the poster Supercontinent & superplate?
  • Dr. Lennart de Groot (paleomagnetism): bi-annual Vening Meinesz prize 2016 of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, division Earth and Life Sciences (NWO-ALW).
  • Frédérique Kirkels (organic geochemistry): Escher prize, of the Royal Geological and Mining Society of the Netherlands (KNGMG) for the best graduation thesis in Earth Sciences in the Netherlands in the year 2014-2015. Title: The fate of eroded soil organic carbon - linking terrestrial and aquatic carbon cycling.
  • Prof. Jack Middelburg (geochemistry): The G. Evelyn Hutchinson Award by the Associaton for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO).
  • Dr. Joris Eggenhuisen (sedimentology): The Roland Goldring Award by the British Sedimentology Research Group.
  • Dr. Cedric Thieulot (mantle dynamics): Teacher Talent Award in UU Geoscience 2016.
  • Prof. Lucas Lourens (stratigraphy & paleontology): The 2016 Jean Baptiste Lamarck Medal by the division of Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Palaeontology of the European Geosciences Union (EGU).


  • Annemarieke Béguin (paleomagnetism): Outstanding Student Paper Award for her presentation on  Micromagnetic Tomography in Practice at the 2015 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU).
  • Dr. Mark Dekkers (paleomagnetism): Elected Fellow of the American Geophysical Union (AGU).
  • Ellen van der Veer: Escher prize, of the Royal Geological and Mining Society of the Netherlands (KNGMG) for the best graduation thesis in Earth Sciences in the Netherlands in the year 2013-2014.
  • Prof. Majid Hassanizadeh: Ridder in de Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw, Royal Distinction.
  • Dr. George Postma (sedimentology): The Van Waterschoot van der Gracht medal 2015, awarded by the Royal Geological and Mining Society of the Netherlands (KNGMG).
  • Prof. Gert de Lange (marine geochemistry): elected Geochemical Fellow by the The Geochemical Society and European Association of Geochemistry.
  • Dr. Arwen Deuss (seismology): Ammodo KNAW Award 2015 in Natural Sciences.


  • Prof. Cor Langereis (paleomagnetism): The Van Waterschoot van der Gracht medal 2014, awarded by the Royal Geological and Mining Society of the Netherlands (KNGMG).
  • Casper Pranger (mantle dynamics): Best master's thesis at Utrecht University in the year 2013/2014: Numerical modelling of the instantaneous subduction dynamics of the Banda Arc region.
  • Dr. Rob Govers (tectonophysics): Elected Fellow of The Geological Society of America (GSA).
  • Arjen Grothe (marine palynology & paleoceanography): Best Poster Award at NAC12, the 12th Netherlands Earth Sciences Conferences 2014 for the poster The fate of the Black Sea during the Messinian Salinity Crisis.
  • Prof. Stefan Schouten (molecular paleontology): Elected as member of the Royal Netherlands Academy for Arts and Sciences (KNAW).
  • Prof. Jaap Sinninghe Damsté (organic geochemistry): Dr. A.H. Heineken prize for environmental sciences 2014 by the Royal Netherlands Academy for Arts and Sciences (KNAW).
  • Dr. Jorien Vonk (organic geochemistry): bi-annual Vening Meinesz prize 2014 of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, division Earth and Life Sciences (NWO-ALW).
  • Lydian Boschman: Escher prize, of the Royal Geological and Mining Society of the Netherlands (KNGMG) for the best graduation thesis in Earth Sciences in the Netherlands in the year 2012-2013.
  • Dr. Hans de Bruijn (stratigraphy & paleontology): Ridder in de Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw, Royal Distinction.
  • Dr. Peter Bijl (marine palynology): The 2014 Arne Richter Award for Oustanding Young Scientist of European Geosciences Union (EGU).


  • Prof. François Roure (tectonics): André Dumont Medal 2013 of the Geologica Belgica, the Belgian Geological Society.
  • Dr. Inge Loes ten Kate (petrology): NASA Group Achievement Award for MSL Science Office Development and Operations Team (as member of the group).
  • Seetha Nayaranan (hydrogeology): Best Paper Award at HYDRO 2013 International (Madras, India) for the paper Scale effects on virus transport in porous media.
  • Joyce Bosmans (stratigraphy/ paleoclimate): 2013 Outstanding Student Poster Award by the European Geosciences Union (EGU) for the poster Obliquity signals at low latitudes.
  • Annique van der Boon (paleomagnetism): Escher prize, of the Royal Geological and Mining Society of the Netherlands (KNGMG) for the best graduation thesis in Earth Sciences in the Netherlands in the year 2012-2013: Onset of Maikop sedimentation in the Talysh (Azerbaijan): cilmate or tectonics?
  • Prof. Sierd Cloetingh (tectonics): The 2013 Arthur Holmes Medal & Honorary Membership of the European Geosciences Union (EGU).


  • Maartje Hamers (structural geology & tectonics): Gordon A. McKay Award for the best oral presentation at the 75th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society in Cairns, Australia: Shocked quartz in the SEM: Distinction between amorphous and healed PDFs.
  • Dr. Joris Eggenhuisen (sedimentology): chosen second best paper in the journal Sedimentology in 2011: Shallow erosion beneath turbidity currents and its impact on the architectural development of turbidite sheet systems, Sedimentology 58(4), p. 936-959.
  • Dr. Joris Eggenhuisen (sedimentology): Award of Excellence for a Top 10 oral presentation at the annual AAPG convention in Long Beach, California, 2012: Architectural elements of sandy experimental turbidity currents: the case of incipient levees.
  • Prof. Jeannot Trampert (seismology): The 2012 Grand Prix en Sciences Géologique de l'Institut Grand-Ducal in Luxembourg.
  • Prof. Rinus Wortel (tectonophysics): Ridder in de Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw. Royal Distinction.
  • Inge van Gelder (tectonics): Escher prize, of the Royal Geological and Mining Society of the Netherlands (KNGMG) for the best graduation thesis in Earth Sciences in the Netherlands in the year 2011-2012: Lateral extrusion in the Eastern Alps: a matter of pushing or pulling?
  • Dr. Johan Weijers (organic geochemistry): bi-annual Vening Meinesz prize 2012 of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, division Earth and Life Sciences (NWO-ALW).
  • Prof. Cor Langereis (paleomagnetism): Elected Fellow of the American Geophysical Union (AGU).
  • Prof. Stefan Schouten (molecular paleontology): The C.C. Patterson Award 2012 of the Geochemical Society of America (GSA).
  • Dr. André Niemeijer (experimental rock deformation ): 2012 EGU Division Outstanding Young Scientist Award awarded by division of Tectonics and Structural Geology of the European Geosciences Union.
  • Dr. Suzanne Hangx (experimental rock deformation ): 2012 EGU Division Outstanding Young Scientist Award awarded by division of Energy, Resources, and the Enviroment of the European Geosciences Union.


  • Loes Buijze (experimental rock deformation): The bi-annual W.P. de Roeverprize of the Nederlandse Kring voor Aardse Materialen (NKAM) for the best MSc thesis in crystalline geology in the Netherlands in the years 2009/2010 and 2010/2011: Frictional strength of fault rocks over a large range of velocities: Insights from rotary shear experiments on analogue halite gouge.
  • Prof. Rinus Wortel (tectonophysics): Van Waterschoot van der Gracht penning of the Royal Geological and Mining Society of the Netherlands (KNGMG).
  • Dr. Andreas Fichtner (seismology): The Keiiti Aki Young Scientist Award 2011, awarded by the Seismology section of the American Geophysical Union (AGU).
  • Prof. Majid Hassanizadeh (environmental hydrogeology): The Don and Betty Kirkham Soil Physics Award 2011, awarded by the Soil Science Society of America.
  • Prof. Majid Hassanizadeh (environmental hydrogeology): Elected as the Darcy Lecturer for 2012 by the U.S. National Groundwater Association. The Henry Darcy Distinguished Lecture Series in Ground Water Science was established in 1986 to foster interest and excellence in groundwater science and technology.
  • Dr. Vahid Joekar-Niasar (environmental hydrogeology): InterPore-Fraunhofer Award 2011 for Young Researchers.
  • Prof. Reinoud Vissers (structural geology & tectonics): André Dumont Medal 2011 of the Geologica Belgica, the Belgian Geological Society.


  • Dr. Hans de Bruijn (stratigraphy & paleontology): selected as Honorary Member of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology.
  • Dr. Lennart de Nooijer (organic geochemistry): The 2010 International Paul Brönnimann Award of the Swiss Fondation Paul Brönniman.
  • Prof. Majid Hassanizadeh (environmental hydrogeology): Humboldt Research Award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.


  • Sabine den Hartog (experimental rock deformation): The bi-annual W.P. de Roeverprize of the Nederlandse Kring voor Aardse Materialen (NKAM) for the best Dutch MSc thesis in crystalline geology in the Netherlands in the years 2007/2008 and 2008/2009: Microphysics of subgrain development and dynamic recrystallization with implications for strength evolution in translithospheric shear zones.
  • Eveline Speelman (organic geochemistry): Poster award at 16th annual NSG symposium (Netherlands School of Sedimentary Geology): Application of innovative isotope modeling in sea surface salinity reconstruction of the Eocene Arctic Basin.
  • Karen Støverud (environmental hydrogeology): Best MSc student poster presentation in the NUPUS conference in Stuttgart, Germany, 5-7 October, 2009: Non-linearities and Upscaling in Porous Media.
  • Desiree Roerdink (petrology): Escher prize, of the Royal Geological and Mining Society of the Netherlands (KNGMG) for the best graduation thesis in Earth Sciences in the Netherlands in the year 2008/2009: Experimental determination of silicon isotope fractionation during chemical precipitation of amorphous silica. Towards a new tool for unravelling the environment of the Archean Earth.
  • dr. Johan Weijers (organic geochemistry): The 2009 EGU Arne Richter Award for Outstanding Young Scientists from the European Geosciences Union in any field of the geosciences.
  • João Trabucho Alexandre (sedimentology): Young Scientist Outstanding Poster Presentation (YSOPP) award for his poster Ocean circulation as mechanism and Pacific nutrients as fuel for OAE 2 at the EGU General Assembly 2009.


  • Fransje Praagman & Femke Rambags (environmental hydrogeology): Geo-Oscar 2008 for Young Talent for their MSc. thesis in Environmental Hydrogeology Migration of natural gas through the shallow subsurface: Implications on the surveillance of low-pressure pipelines, granted by Deltares & KIVI-NIRIA Geotechniek.
  • Prof. Jack Middelburg (biogeochemistry): elected Member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts & Sciences (KNAW).
  • Fransje Praagman & Femke Rambags (environmental hydrogeology): 2nd prize for their MSc. thesis in Environmental Hydrogeology Migration of natural gas through the shallow subsurface: Implications on the surveillance of low-pressure pipelines, granted by the Royal Dutch Gas Association (KVGN).
  • Prof. Majid Hassanizadeh (environmental hydrogeology): Honorary degree of Doctor-Ingenieur from Stuttgart University, Germany.
  • Ivo Duijnstee et al. (stratigraphy & paleontology): Best poster award at NAC9 (Netherlands Earth Science Conferences): Where is the short-term environmental variability in paleoreconstructions?
  • Prof. Jack Middelburg (biogeochemistry): The 2008 EUR-OCEANS Rolland Wollast Award for Scientific Accomplishment.
  • Douwe van der Meer et al. (mantle dynamics): Best poster award at NAC9 (Netherlands Earth Science Conferences): Charting the lower mantle's Terra Incognita: Quantifying the time-travel back to Pangea and Mantle convection caught in the Fast Lane: Permo-Triassic slabs return from the grave. (twin-posters)
  • Julia van Winden et al. (organic geochemistry): TNO poster award at 15th annual NSG-symposium.
  • Julia van Winden et al. (organic geochemistry): Best poster award at NAC9 (Netherlands Earth Science Conferences): Molecular biomarkers of methanotrophs in Sphagnum peat bogs.
  • Pieter Bots MSc. (biogeochemistry): KNCV prize (Royal Netherlands Chemical Society) for the best Dutch MSc. thesis in Environmental Chemistry & Environmental Toxicology 2007: Uranium mobility in subsurface aqueous systems determined by Flow-Through experiments: The influences of different redox conditions.


  • Prof. Ruud Schotting & Dr. Bert-Rik de Zwart (environmental hydrogeology): Technology Transfer Award of The Leverhulme Trust for the outstanding contribution to Technology Transfer made by research theses completed at higher education institutions in The Netherlands: Investigation of clogging processes in unconsolidated aquifers near water supply wells.
  • Martin Ziegler (stratigraphy & paleontology): TNO poster award at 14th annual NSG symposium: Late Pleistocene abrupt climate change: ITCZ, teleconnections and the impact of seasonality.
  • Prof. Nico Vlaar (em. professor in theoretical geophysics): Van Waterschoot van der Gracht penning of the Royal Geological and Mining Society of the Netherlands (KNGMG).
  • Prof. Majid Hassanizadeh (environmental hydrogeology): elected Fellow of the American Association for Advancement of Science (AAAS).
  • Vasso Alexandratos (biogeochemistry): Certificate of Merit Award from the division of Environmental Chemistry of the American Chemical Society for her presentation on Reduction of uranium under abiotic reducing conditions: A macroscopic and spectroscopic study at the Society's meeting in Chicago, March 2007.
  • Prof. Philippe Van Cappellen (general, bio- and hydrogeochemistry): André Dumont Medal 2007 of the Geologica Belgica, the Belgian Geological Society.


  • Prof. Jaap Sinninghe Damsté (organic geochemistry): Vladimir Vernadsky Medal 2007 of the biogeosciences section of the European Geosciences Union (EGU).
  • Bert-Rik de Zwart (environmental hydrogeology): Outstanding Student Paper Award of the hydrology section of the American Geophysical Union for his presentation Experimental investigation of clogging processes in sandy aquifers near water supply wells, using X-ray chormatography at the Fall Meeting of the AGU.


  • Dr. Martin Thullner (biogeochemistry): 2004 Editors' Citation for Excellence in Refereeing of the AGU.
  • Moniek Ebisch (experimental rock deformation/structural geology & tectonics): The bi-annual W.P. de Roeverprize of the Nederlandse Kring voor Aardse Materialen (NKAM), for the best Dutch MSc thesis in the crystalline geology in the years 2003/2004 and 2004/2005: Speciation, distribution and quantification of watre in natural and experimentally deformed olivine aggregates: An infrared spectroscopy study.
  • Joris Eggenhuisen (sedimentology): Wintershall Best Presentation Award, 1st Dutch Oil Industry Academia Day, Utrecht.
  • Maurits van Dijk (sedimentology): Young Scientist Award ICFS 2005 of the Society for Economic Petrology and Mineralogy (Tulsa, US) for his presentation at the 8th International Conference on Fluvial Sedimentology in Delft. Runner-up: A.P. van den Berg van Saparoea (also sedimentology, UU)
  • Dr. Caroline Beghein (seismology): Outstanding Young Scientist Award of the European Geosciences Union for her Ph.D. work in Utrecht: Seismic anisotropy inside the Earth from a model space search approach.
  • Prof. Jaap Sinninghe Damsté (organic geochemistry): Treibs Medal, of the Organic Geochemistry Division of the Geochemical Society of America.
  • Joost van Summeren (seismology/ mantle dynamics): Escher prize, of the Royal Geological and Mining Society of the Netherlands (KNGMG) for the best Dutch graduation thesis in Earth Sciences in the Netherlands in the year 2003/2004.
  • Dr. Paul Mason (petrology): Teacher Talent Award, awarded to the most promising young teacher at Utrecht University.


  • Karin Visser (seismology): Endeavour Australia Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Research Fellowship.
  • Prof. Jan de Leeuw (organic geochemistry): Ridder in de Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw, Royal Distinction.
  • Robbert van Vossen (seismology): Award of Merit of the Society of Exploration Geophysics (SEG) for the presentation of his paper Propagator inversion for shallow structure.
  • Prof. Jaap Sinninghe Damsté (organic geochemistry): NWO/Spinoza prize, the most prestigious Dutch honorary research award.
  • Dr. Frits Hilgen (stratigraphy & paleontology): Milutin Milankovich Medal of the Section on Oceans & Atmosphere (OA) of the European Geophysical Society.


  • Dr. Frits Hilgen (stratigraphy & paleontology): Mary Clark Thompson Medal of the American National Academy of Sciences for his meticulous integration of various geological, geophysical, and proxy cyclostratigraphic sedimentological records in developing a late Neogene (12-0 MA) astronomical time scale.
  • Inge Folmer (biogeochemistry): Escher prize, of the Royal Geological and Mining Society of the Netherlands (KNGMG) for the best Dutch graduation thesis in Earth Sciences in the Netherlands in the year 2002/2003.


  • Douwe van der Meer (tectonophysics): Escher prize, of the Royal Geological and Mining Society of the Netherlands (KNGMG) for the best Dutch graduation thesis in Earth Sciences in the Netherlands in the year 2001/2002.