EPOS-NL and its second phase EPOS-eNLarge form the Dutch contribution of National research infrastructures (NRIs) to the European Plate Observatory System (EPOS), the pan-European infrastructure for solid Earth science to support a safe and sustainable society.

The EPOS-NL facilities provide services for scientists in the Netherlands and Europe to undertake research that serves societal needs for supply of natural resources, and for protection and warning against geo-hazards. EPOS-NL facilities can be used to study the stability and safe utilisation of the Dutch subsurface, addressing natural and human induced earthquakes, subsidence and relative sea level change, geothermal energy, subsurface energy and waste storage, and the future construction of subsurface infrastructure. EPOS-NL will consist of a unique integration of multi-scale observational, laboratory, numerical modelling and large-scale subsurface experimental facilities.

EPOS-NL is a cluster of large scale facilities, specialist laboratories and data centres. The main large-scale facilities to be developed in phase one will include the Earth Simulation Infrastructure (ESI) at Utrecht University, the deep geothermal well (DAPWELL) and Petrophysics Lab (DPL) at TU Delft and the ORFEUS earthquake data centre at KNMI.

EPOS-NL is on the national roadmap for large scale research facilities

This programme of the Netherlands Science Organization provides a framework for the building of unique research facilities of international allure and significance. At the European scale EPOS the European Plate Observing System, is a long-term plan to facilitate integrated use of data, data products, and facilities from distributed research infrastructures for solid Earth science.