Vacancies & Scholarships
All our vacancies involve paid labour agreements and are advertised on multiple locations on the web, in particular here. To apply, candidates should meet the criteria and follow the guidelines in the advertisement. This also applies to vacant PhD positions. Please, do not send an application to the Graduate School of Geosciences or to professors if no job opening is announced.
PhD Scholarships:
We don't offer any scholarships for PhD students ourselves. And it is only in rare exceptions, and only upon strong recommendations from one or more of our own professors, that we will accept an incoming scholarship PhD. All such PhD scholarships should have non-Dutch funding that covers (at least) a period of 4 years. In scholarships, or in other visiting grants, the part that is availabe for housing, living and health insurance should at least be at the level of net minimum wage in the Netherlands. In addition to such personal allowance, a bench fee to cover research and training costs may be required. This depends of the nature of intended study and of the availability of financial research funding to the intended supervisor. See also the information on the webpages of the Graduate School of Geosciences.
General information for selected non-EU/EER applicants
Selected candidates for paid positions (as well as accepted candidates that bring their own scholarship), who need visa and/or working permits for The Netherlands should be aware that these procedures usually require 4 months processing time. The visa procedure is started by our International Service Desk (ISD) only after the job is offered and accepted (or after a formal hospitality agreement has been arranged with the scholarship student or fellow). Finding housing in or near Utrecht is your own responsibility. This may prove difficult and is often not cheap, but our ISD may be able to provide some advice.