Management support
Please be aware that the department is housed on multiple locations!
- Managing director: Jan-Willem de Blok
- Management coordinator (General): Marjolein Mullen-Pouw
- Management coordinator (Finance & HR): Boubker Kaouass
- Research policy advisor: Eldert Advokaat
- Management support Educational Board Earth Sciences: Ingrid Beekman, Anila Peri en Josje Maas
Management / Office assistance
General mailing address:
In Vening Meinesz building A, Princetonlaan 8A, room 268 or 286:
In Earth Simulation Lab, Princetonlaan 4, room 0.08:
Communications and Marketing
General e-mail address:
Research Support Officer Earth Sciences
General e-mail address:
Student information
Prospective students:
Prospective BSc students:
Prospective MSc students:
Current students:
Student Affairs Geosciences:
Research groups and locations
Location Princetonlaan 8A (Vening Meinesz Building A, 2nd and 3rd floor)
- Mantle dynamics
- Petrology
- Sedimentology
- Seismology
- Structural geology / electronmicroscopy
- Tectonophysics
- Geochemistry
- Hydrogeology
- Marine palynology & paleoceanography
- Organic geochemistry
- Stratigraphy & Paleontology
Location Princetonlaan 4 (Earth Simulation Laboratory)
- Experimental rock deformation / H.P.T Laboratory
- Tectonics / TecLab
Location Budapestlaan 17 (inside botanical gardens)
- Paleomagnetism / Fort Hoofddijk
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