About Incluusion

Incluusion was founded in 2016 and has since that time enabled over 1,600 students to participate in UU courses. Research shows that one of the explanatory factors for lower participation of refugees in the labour market is the long-term exclusion of participation in society, while they are still waiting for their statuses or when they are still in the process of learning Dutch. For that reason, it is of great importance that refugees are not put ‘on hold’, but that they keep on developing themselves.

To celebrate our 5th anniversary we created the video above, with the help of involved students, trainees and teachers. We also published a report on our work so far.

Immediate participation through courses
Incluusion is a call to action to make use of this waiting period. We believe that participation should be facilitated upon arrival in the Netherlands. By offering newcomers the chance to attend courses at Utrecht University, newcomers get the opportunity to become involved, to continue their education and integrate into society.

Exclusion has negative consequences for both the refugees and society at large, since it often leads to lower participation of refugees in the labour market and can be a cause for loneliness, depression and other mental health problems.

Incluusion Traineeships
Apart from offering access to education, Incluusion also offers traineeships for refugees who already speak Dutch (a bit). The trainees can gain work experience in the Dutch labour market and develop a professional network in the Netherlands, which is a necessary stepping stone towards a paid contract.

Learn more about the traineeships

Sponsors, partners and related projects
Incluusion is supported by various sponsors.
Find out how you can contribute to Incluusion

We collaborate with various partners. Since the start of the programme, several other universities started similar educational programmes for refugee students.

De initiatiefnemers van InclUUsion: Hilke Grootelaar, Marij Swinkels en Elena Valbusa.
The initiators of Incluusion: Hilke Grootelaar, Marij Swinkels and Elena Valbusa.

History of Incluusion
Incluusion was founded by Hilke Grootelaar, Marij Swinkels and Elena Valbusa during the fall of 2016. The three founders were awarded the Silver Award by the UU in 2019, because Incluusion expresses the mission of Utrecht University: to work towards a better world.