Get involved in Incluusion as a teacher
Education is the key for refugees to start a productive and independent life in the Netherlands. It helps them integrate into their new society on an academic and social level.
Incluusion offers refugees the chance to follow free bachelor courses at the UU. This cannot be done without your help! So, do you want to be part of this initiative?
Open up your course to a refugee
As a teacher, you can make one or multiple places available for refugee students in your course(s). Incluusion will take care of the administrative procedures, such as an intake interview and making sure the student is enrolled at the UU for the duration of the course. We also offer guidance for the Incluusion students throughout the course and a buddy system in which they are paired with regular students.
Incluusion students make the discussions and interactions between students more open to other perspectives, experiences and aspects that might otherwise have been overlooked.
Frequently asked questions
Would you like to know more? Then read our answers to the most common questions of UU-teachers who are - newly - involved in Incluusion. We also included tips and interesting examples, so you can better prepare yourself for the attendance of an Incluusion student in your course.
If you can't find the answer to your question, if you would like to receive more information about the program, or if you want to participate, please send us an email.