Course Guide
Registration period
The Incluusion program will fortunately continue in 2025. While we are very happy about this, there will be some organizational changes. Therefore, we have decided that for block 3 (3 February 2025 to 20 April 2025) we will only accept registrations from previously involved students with a Solis-ID. That is because we need some time to adjust to our new organizational structure and might not be able to support new students fully because of that. Any further updates for block 4 will be published on this page. We are truly sorry for the inconvenience.
The registration period for block 3 will open on Monday 18th November at 12:00hrs and close on Sunday 24th November 23:59hrs.
Would you like to receive updates about Incluusion important dates? Sign up through this form and you will be notified via email when the next registration period opens.
Be sure to read our Registration Procedure to find out when the next registration period is and the Frequently Asked Questions before you register for a course.
During the regular academic year, you will find a new course guide each academic block on this page, showing you the courses at the different faculties of the UU, the University of Humanistic Studies and the University College Utrecht.
Course level: bachelor and master
The courses are categorized by faculty. For each course, we mention the course title and the course level.
1. Bachelor level:
- Introductory level: a course in the first year of a Bachelor's program
- Elaborating level: a course in the second year of a Bachelor's program
- Advanced level: a course in the last year of a Bachelor's program
2. Master level: only accessible for students with (minimally) a Bachelor degree in a related academic field.
Faculty and course descriptions
Below you can find a short description of all faculties, followed by the available courses. The description of the courses can be found at this catalogue page: OSIRIS Student Mobile ( . Make sure to copy the code of the course (indicated before the name) from here below, and paste it in the OSIRIS catalogue. There you can read more information about the course content, requirements and schedule. Read the information about each faculty and course carefully, so you can choose the faculty and course that suits your interests, your highest obtained educational level, and your academic background. Check whether you meet the course requirements in the course description.
Please note that you SHOULD NOT contact the teachers directly about your application. If you do so, your application WILL NOT be considered. The right procedure to follow is explained in the registration page and if you have any questions you can always contact us via email.