Open access
As part of the broad movement towards Open Science, Utrecht University aims at a system of fully open access publishing for scientific articles, book chapters and books. The University Library supports researchers with publishing their work open access.
The Dutch ambition is to reach 100% open access. This goal is also a theme in the National Programme Open Science (NPOS) and coincides with the ambitions of Utrecht University
Where we come from
In the past years Utrecht University has made significant progress towards full open access. For example, since 2005 Utrecht University has operated its Utrecht University Repository as part of the Netherlands Research Portal, between 2012 and 2023 it funded researchers through the Open Access Fund and Utrecht University is an active participant in negotiations with publishers coordinated by Universities of the Netherlands. On top of that, a lot of expertise has been developed within the University Library when it comes to open access Publishing Support for researchers.
Publishing Support
We support Utrecht University and UMC Utrecht researchers and research groups in finding a fitting publication strategy that results in a large (academic) outreach.
Experts Open access
Open Science Fellows Open access
- Dr. Katharine Fortin (Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance)
- Dr. Lotty Hooft (Faculty of Medicine)
- Dr. Koen Leurs (Faculty of Humanities)
- Dr. Mona Giersberg (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine)
- Prof. Birgit Meyer (Faculty of Humanities)
- Dr. Bawan Amin (Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences)
- Dr. Friedeman Polzin ( Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance)
- Drs. Ilske Timmermans (Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences)
- Ginny Farias Galdames (Faculty of Science)