Background and visiondocuments

Here you can read additional background and vision documents on open science and other open science topics such as recognition and appreciation or open access.

Artikel : Meaningful public engagement in the context of open science: reflections from early and mid-career academics
How is public engagement seen as contributing to open science? This article highlights common considerations on this question from interviews with 12 fellows of public engagement from the Utrecht University's Open Science Program in the Netherlands.

Artikel : Goed werkgeverschap in een krappe arbeidsmarkt: het aantrekken en behouden van gekwalificeerd en gemotiveerd personeel.

Paul Boselie en Stans de Haas, 2022
The winged phrase "war for talent" may not be so appropriate for the wo, but its implications will be felt. Therefore, attracting and retaining qualified and motivated employees in all ranks will be high on the agenda of universities, faculties and departments. What knobs can we turn to continue to retain employees for wo?

Open Science and academic recognition and rewards: A new vision from Utrecht University

Bianca Kramer and Frank Miedema spoke at the ECLAC Library Cycle of Webinars on Open Science.

Article: Sharing published short academic works in institutional repositories after 6 months

The Netherlands is striving for 100% open access for scientific publications. Until recently, the emphasis in the Netherlands has been on the golden route - open access through journals and publisher platforms. This is likely to be costly and it is also impossible to cover all articles and other forms of publication this way. Since 2015, the Dutch Copyright Act has offered an alternative with the implementation of Article 25fa (also known as the 'Taverne Amendment') in the Dutch Copyright Act.
(LIBER Quarterly).

Presentation Paul Boselie and Henk Kummeling 

Pdf of Paul Boselie and Henk Kummeling's presentation at the VSNU general assembly on the UU model for recognition and rewards.

Frank Miedema's contribution at the  UN Open Science Conference

A summary of the 2nd United Nations Open Science.

Open Science Monitor Questionnaire 2020 

An initiative of the UU Open Science Platform.

Video: Open Science Week 2021: Openings speech Frank Miedema: The Transition to Open Science (Sheets)

Recognition and rewards at the UU: Team spirit, leadership and no one-trick-pony’s

ScienceGuide spoke with Marieke Adriaanse and Paul Boselie about the significance of the vision piece on the difference in recognition and rewards between scientist and the process leading up to it.

‘And now to work on the new recognition and rewards’

They are on a mission, Marieke Adriaanse and Paul Boselie. If UU wants to improve science, its employees must be judged differently. (DUB, Feb. 18, 2021).

Voice of the Utrecht Young Academy Podcasts

Members of the Utrecht Young Academy present themselves, their research and their personal views on science in a series of podcasts.

‘The world does not benefit from scientists being ‘one-trick-pony’s’

Utrecht University is pioneering a new system on Recognition and Rewards (The Chronicle of Higher Education).

Survey Open Science practices at Utrecht University
The purpose of this study is to monitor knowledge, attitudes and behaviors toward Open Science practices within UU and UMCU.

Niet langer verkennen en laveren 

Universities have made the case for recognizing and rewarding all their employees. The phase of exploring and navigating is now over. It is time for concrete follow-up steps. This requires courage from administrators and managers, argue Marieke Adriaanse, Paul Boselie, Henk Kummeling and Frank Miedema.

Presentation Transition to Open Science: A paradigm shift
Presentation by Frank Miedema, vice-rector of research, Utrecht University and chair of Utrecht University Open Science Program: Transition to Open Science: A Paradigm Shift. Towards a Realistic Image and Improved Practice of Science.
REWARD | EQUATOR Conference, February 20-22, 2020, Berlin, Germany.


Article about open science and ethics
Article: Ethical Theory and Moral Practice: Open Science and Ethics
By Prof. Dr. Marcus Düwell, professor of Philosophical Ethics at Utrecht University.
This article attempts to provide some orientation as to how we might interpret open science principles and what pitfalls should be avoided.


Open Science & Stakeholder Engagement Why, how, and what could be improved?


A study of stakeholder engagement within Utrecht University.