Open Science Intervision and Advice Team
The Utrecht University Open Science Intervision and Advice Team (OSIAT) assists the implementation of the ambitions of Open Science at our University. The team consists of prominent members of the Utrecht University research community and ‘forerunners’ with relevant expertise representing a variety of disciplines and professional experiences. This team represents all faculties, the UMC Utrecht, all strategic themes, and relevant services and organs such Human Resources, Centre for Science and Culture, IT, Library, Education department, Utrecht Young Academy, PhD and Open Science communities.
This team’s tasks are the following:
- it offers advice upon request of the Open Science Office, Open Science experts, and the Board of the University, or upon its own initiative if its members spot possible ‘blind spots’ in the implementation of Open Science practices.
- it serves as discussion forum for its members and via them their respective constituencies for the exchange of practices and structural and ad hoc challenges which require resolution to ensure a smooth transition to Open Science.
- it will deliver guidance on further steps in the implementation, including via its discussion memos series (for internal and possible external use) on the pertinent questions of Open Science practices.
The chair of the Open Science intervision and Advice team is Dr. Mira Scholten. Do you have any questions or ideas for the team? Feel welcome to send an e-mail to
OSIAT shares knowledge
Do you want to get an idea of how UU has become an open science university? Are you working to transition to open science at another university? In this document, OSIAT shares knowledge and experience about this journey.
The team
dr. S.A. Fuchs (Sabine)
full professor and pediatrician