Dr. Jarno Hoekman

Dr. Jarno Hoekman

Associate Professor
Innovation and Sustainability
+31 30 253 5410

Jarno Hoekman is an associate professor in science and innovation studies. His research focuses on the dynamics and governance of science in the context of innovation, regulation and societal challenges, with a particular focus on the life-sciences domain. His research is centred around three main themes:

  • Regulatory science and innovation: innovation in tools, standards and approaches to assess the risks and benefits of new technologies. This includes studying innovations for safety assessment (e.g. post-marketing surveillance, animal-free safety testing, real-world evidence, organs-on-chip, eco-toxicology methods) and changing standards for regulatory authorisation of innovations (e.g. expedited pathways for authorisation of medicinal products, standards for authorisation of regenerative medicine therapies).
  • Science in transition: understanding how science and the science system is changing focusing on e.g. the growth of team science, open science, inter- and transdisciplinary research collaborations, science for society and alternative recognition and reward structures.
  • Geography of science: the role of geography (location factors, proximities) in the production and diffusion of scientific knowledge.

Jarno is a member of the Utrecht Young Academy and the UU Open Science Platform. In addition to his affiliation to the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, he is also affiliated with the Utrecht collaborating Centre for Pharmaceutical Policy & Regulation, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences. He is the programme leader of the research master in Innovation Sciences and teaches academic integrity courses to Master students and PhDs.