22 results

  • Applied Ethics Explore ethical theories in relation to actual practical dilemmas. You have the ability to develop a tailor-made programme, including an internship, geared to your career aspirations.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year, 2 years (part-time)
  • Artificial Intelligence This Master’s offers you an integrative and cutting-edge approach to the field from the viewpoints of Informatics, Logic, Cognition, Psychology, Philosophy, and Linguistics.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years
  • Bio Inspired Innovation This programme is aimed at Life Sciences students who want to innovate services, products and production systems and are interested in bio inspired design and science.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years
  • Bioinformatics and Biocomplexity Master integrative and cutting edge computational approaches to crack the biological code. You will be an expert scientist with plentiful research opportunities.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years
  • Climate Physics This Master’s programme offers you a unique combination of theoretical courses and practical training in all aspects of the Earth’s climate and their interactions.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years
  • Energy Science Energy Science provides a thorough understanding of energy systems and provides students the capabilities to work towards sustainable energy systems.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years
  • Environmental Biology The goal of this programme is to make you understand how plants, animals and microbes function and adapt to changing environments.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years
  • Geografie: educatie en communicatie Als leraar aardrijkskunde draag je je interesse en kennis op professionele wijze over op anderen; in het onderwijs of een andere (educatieve) sector.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years
  • Global Challenges for Sustainability The Master's Global Challenges for Sustainability offers an international learning opportunity addressing the dire need for sustainability in a transdisciplinary and challenge-based environment.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1,5 year
  • Health and Environment During this Master’s programme, you will learn about the fundamentals of Health and Environment and about Toxicology, Environmental Epidemiology and Exposure Science, and One Health.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years
  • History and Philosophy of Science This Master’s offers a unique opportunity to study the foundations, practices, and culture of the sciences and humanities from a historical and philosophical perspective.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years
  • Innovation Sciences Innovation Sciences is the study of how new technologies are transformed into marketable innovations, explaining how innovation and innovation systems work.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years
  • Leraar voorbereidend hoger onderwijs Word eerstegraads leraar in aardrijkskunde, biologie, Duits, economie, Engels, filosofie, Frans, geschiedenis, godsdienst, informatica, kunstgeschiedenis, maatschappijleer, muziek, natuurkunde, Nederlands, scheikunde, Spaans of wiskunde.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year, 2 years (part-time)
  • Marine Sciences Marine Sciences studies how marine systems and processes operate naturally and how they change through human intervention.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years
  • Medical Humanities: geesteswetenschappelijke en geneeskundige perspectieven op zorg en gezondheid In de master Medical Humanities analyseer je uitdagingen binnen zorg en gezondheid vanuit verschillende perspectieven uit geneeskunde en geesteswetenschappen.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year, 2 years (part-time)
  • Philosophy Prepare yourself to participate in the current debates in the international philosophical community and develop your own research contributions to the field.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years
  • Religie en samenleving Wil je bijdragen aan het maatschappelijk debat over en de maatschappelijke rol van religie? Je bestudeert de voortdurend veranderende rol van religie, in verschillende culturen en samenlevingen.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year, 2 years (part-time)
  • Religious Studies Prepare yourself for participation in current debates in the international community of scholars of religion and making your own contributions to the field.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years
  • Sustainable and Circular Chemistry Learn about the chemistry-specific aspects (molecules and materials) of the sustainability and circularity transition. This Master's provides a systems thinking framework to tackle challenges associated with these transitions in societal context.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years
  • Sustainable Business and Innovation Sustainable Business and Innovation is the study of sustainable business challenges and technological and non-technological options that can be used to innovate in a sustainable way.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years
  • Sustainable Development Sustainable Development is the study of scientific solutions and societal interventions for an environmentally accountable society.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years
  • Water Science and Management Water Science and Management is the study of modern water management techniques and water policies from a sustainable development perspective.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years