
Our researchers study the future of work together, coming from different scientific fields and looking from different angles:

  • Labour Market, Elder Employees, Gender Issues, Sustainable Employability, Labour Market Flexibility and Self-Employment, Retirement, Life Course and Career Issues, Human Capital, Industrial Relations and Social Policy

Sociologist, impact manager of the Future of Work hub, connects researchers and society.

  • Labour Market, Labour Market Flexibility and Self-Employment, Labour Law, Industrial Relations and Social Policy, European Law
  • Strategic HRM and Public Service Performance, Human Resource Management, Management, Performance Management, Corporate Governance, Strategic Management, Talent Management, Open Science
            • Human Geography, Labour Market, Economic Development, European Regional Policy, Spatial Modelling, Rural-Urban Dynamics, Statistical Programming in Stata and R
              • Health Behaviour, Health Behaviour Change, Health Promotion, Health Communication, Gender and Sexuality, Infectious Diseases, Health Sector, Social Inequality