Prof. dr. Anna Salomons

Adam Smith Hall (AA)
Kriekenpitplein 21-22
Kamer 02.09
3584 EC Utrecht

Prof. dr. Anna Salomons

+31 30 253 6230

Anna Salomons is an Instituut Gak endowed professor at Utrecht University’s School of Economics and a professor at Tilburg University's Department of Economics. She is also a Research Fellow at IZA, the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), the Technology & Policy Research Initiative at Boston University, the Block Center for Technology and Society at Carnegie Mellon University, and the Shaping the Future of Work Initiative at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Her research explores various labor market topics, with a focus on the labor market impacts of technological change, including consequences for earnings levels and inequality, employment and the job structure, and skill demand and supply. In 2024, she received the European Economic Association's Role Models in Economics Award.