Prof. dr. Sonja Bekker

International and European Law

I am interested in employment and social policies, within a European context. In particular, my reseach focuses on the labour market position of 'atypical' groups such as people with fixed-term or part-time jobs, young workers and people experiencing in-work-poverty. The European dimension of my research includes EU governance of social policies, for instance within the framework of the European Semester. Lately, I have been exploring the Digital Welfare State and the way in which new technologies are used to provide income and re-integration services to people. I was partner in the Horizon 2020 project on in-work-poverty (WorkYP - Moreover, I am member of the steering committee of the International Working Party on Labour Market Segmentation.

I co-lead the new research cluster on Empirical Legal Studies into Institutions for Conflict Resolution (ERI). I am board member of the newly erected Empirical Legal Studies Academy of the Netherlands. Morover, I coördinate the cross-cutting theme ‘Welfare, participation and citizenship in a digital world’. I am also a fellow of the Open Science community of Utrecht University, and I am member of the editorial board of the Dutch Journal for Law and Employment (Tijdschrift voor Recht en Arbeid).

As off 2017 I hold the Jean Monnet chair on European Social Policy and Employment Relations.


European Social Policy