Philosophy, Politics and Economics scholarship

The PPE Scholarship programme offers scholarships to 8 of its incoming students, aiming to increase the diversity of the programme. The scholarship is not a full scholarship but a financial contribution for the compensation of study related materials.

The main aim of the scholarships is to create a diverse and inclusive student community in the PPE programme. Diversity is defined as the inclusion of a variety of different types of students, such as, but not exclusively, students of different nationalities and of different socio-economic or cultural backgrounds.

The scholarship will be awarded conditionally for the official duration of the PPE programme. Scholarship for the 2nd and 3rd of the PPE programme year will be awarded to students who received the scholarship for the 1st year of the PPE programme and who are making satisfactory progress towards the degree  according to UU standards. 

The amount of the PPE scholarship is subject to slight changes. The PPE Scholarship  will consist of €1750 for the academic year 2024-2025.