How to get to Utrecht
Once you decide to study at Utrecht University, there are some things you need to know before you arrive. Lots of new experiences will be waiting for you! The orientation programme organised by the university offers you the opportunity to meet new people and get to know the city. The information below will help you find your way.

How do I get there?
Utrecht is easily accessible from Amsterdam Airport Schiphol by public transport. The train from Schiphol to Utrecht takes just 30 minutes. If you need information about travelling around the Netherlands or the city of Utrecht, you can plan your trip with the 9292 app.
Do you need more information about transportation to and around Utrecht?
Welcome to Utrecht

Would you like more information about what you can expect from Utrecht and how you can prepare for studying at Utrecht University? Then visit the Welcome to Utrecht website. Here you can find practical information about costs of living, student life, events and activities and much more!