PhD courses
As part of their PhD trajectory, students have to follow courses to deepen their knowledge and develop various transferable skills. Of note, the students are responsible for tracking their own educational progress.
General courses: Please visit the Utrecht University PhD Course Center. These courses are free to all registered PhD students.
Course Fees: All PhD courses are free. Placement is on a first-come-first-serve basis, with priority given to RM students.
Absence Policy: If you will be absent from a course for any amount of time, please contact the program coordinator before the start of the course. Enrollment, number of ECTS and certificate of completion will be determined by the coordinator and course leaders. 28 hours = 1 ECTS.
Course Directors: PhD committee and Koen Braat
When: once per year, next date: 4 October.
Programme: a day with networking and posterpresenations and a guest lecture
Information: All RM-PhDs are expected to join the yearly PhD poster and networking event at De Sterrenwacht in Utrecht.
Course Directors: Laura Creemers, Kelly Warmink and Jaqueline Rios Lourdes
When: once every 2 years, next date: 18 – 22 November 2024
Programme: 5 days + presentation, 1.5 ECTS
Information: The course aims to give an overview of state-of-the-art technologies that can be applied in biomedical research and regenerative medicine.
Course Directors: Nalan Liv and Corlinda ten Brink
When: once per year, next date: June 11 2024
Programme: 1 day, 0.3 ECTS
Location: UMCU, “cellbiology”
Please note that lunch will not be provided.
Registration: is now open; sign up here!
Course Directors: Koen Braat and Paul Coffer
When: once per year, next dates: 5-6 September.
Programme: 2 days
Information: All RM-PhDs are invited to the yearly PhD retreat in hotel Zuiderduin in Egmond aan Zee with workshops, seminars, games and fun!
Registration: is now open; sign up here!
Course Directors: Koen Braat and Bart Spee
When: once per year, next date: 8-12 July 2024
Programme: 5 days, 1.5 ECTS
Information: Mandatory for all new PhD students, please enroll as soon as possible after you start your PhD project. This course introduces students to the fundamentals of regenerative medicine and highlights research in Utrecht. Students are joined in the mornings by international summer school students.
Registration is now open, please see link below.
Course Directors: Medical Humanities at UMC
When: once per year, next date: 29th May 2024
Programme: 1 day, 0.3 ECTs
Information: Mandatory for RM PhD students. In the morning there will be a plenary programme and in the afternoon a group assignment followed by presentations.
The course will be organized yearly. Max number of participants is 20. Start time is 11:30, Room 3 of the Hubrecht Institute/RMCU - LUNCH IS INCLUDED
Registration is now open please see link below.
Course Directors: Paul Coffer and Koen Braat
When: once per year, 4 to 15 Dec 2023.
Programme: 2 weeks + optional exam for PhD students. Taking and passing exam = 3.0 ECTS. If you do not take the exam, your course will end on December 13 and you will earn 2.4 ECTS.
Information: Stem cells have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cell types during development and tissue repair process. This course addresses the fundamental mechanisms regulating stem cell function and considers their use in stem cell-based therapies.
Registration: Sign up here!
Course coordinator: Dr. Bas van Balkom, UMCU, Nephrology and Hypertension
When: Nov 13-15 (3 days) with optional exam on Nov 17 2023
Course description
Extracellular vesicles are gaining a lot of attention as a potential therapeutic option in regenerative medicine. In this course, you will gain insight into the discovery of these vesicles, their biological content and functions in health and disease, and potential therapeutic applications. After this course, you will be able to interpret, design and implement research on extracellular vesicles
Dr. Pieter Vader, UMCU, Clinical Chemistry and Hematology
Prof. Dr. Joost Sluijter, UMCU, Experimental Cardiology
Dr. Sander Kooijmans (UMCU), UMCU, CDL research
Dr. Esther Nolte-'t Hoen (UU), Biomolecular Health
Dr. Olivier de Jong (UU), Pharmaceutics
Dr. Frederik Verweij (UU), Biology
Prof. Dr. Marca Wauben (UU), Biomolecular Heath
This course is for both masters’ students as well as PhD students.
The exam for PhD students is optional. Without the exam you will get 1 ECTs. If you take the exam and pass you will earn 1.5 ECTs. If you fail the exam you need to take a re-exam in order to get the ECTS. If you fail you do not automatically get the 1 ECTs.
Registration is open! Sign up now using this link
Course Directors: Laura Creemers & Simon Mastbergen
When: once every two years, next date: October 30 – November 3 2023 (5 days)
Programme: 5 days, 1.5 ECTS
Information: This course combines biological and medical science with business, law and bioethics. It aims to develop expertise in the biological, commercial and regulatory aspects of regenerative medicine, along with its application in biomedicine. Moreover, this course intends to acquaint students to think with a business-based mindset in addition to their scientific mindset to implement new findings in actual care.
The course will be fully on location.
Registration is open! Sign up now using this link
Course Directors: Dr. Saskia C.A. de Jager / Dr. Alain van Mil
When: 15 September- 1 December 2021
Programme: 10 meetings of 1 hour and 45 minutes on Wednesdays form 10-11.45 (see scheme below)
Information: Translational research requires adequate models to bridge the gap between in-vitro experiments and clinical reality. Animal and cell models basically serve 3 aims:
1) to gain mechanistic insights into (patho)physiological processes, 2) to mimic human disease and 3) to test experimental therapeutic approaches, either separately or combined. The aim of this course is to make PhD candidates familiar with cardiovascular animal models and advanced cell systems used in the different experimental laboratories. This enables the student to get a broader view of animal and cell models, their advantages and disadvantages, which model is appropriate to use for which type of research question, and to use these insights to optimize own models.
Registration is closed.
Format: The course will be given in such a way that both, the PhD candidates and the teachers will be able to incorporate this course in their daily work. The course will provide interactive lectures by experts that are all connected to UMC focus areas ‘circulatory health’ and ‘regenerative medicine. Besides theoretical background of cardiovascular experimental models, the PhD students can visit/monitor an animal experiment (facultative). Make an appointment with E. Velema ( / large animals) or M. Brans ( / mouse models).
Dates and topics 2021: In this course different animal and cell models, that are available in Utrecht will be discussed in detail.
Date &Time | Location | Lecturer and Lecture Title |
15 Sept. 10:00-11:45 | t.b.d. | Dr. S.C.A. de Jager Course introduction/Atherosclerosis models (confirmed) |
22 Sept. 10:00-11:45 | t.b.d. | Prof. D.P.V. de Kleijn Ischemia/reperfusion models (confirmed) |
29 Sept. 10:00-11:45 | t.b.d. | Prof J Bakkers Zebrafish models of cardiac disease (subject to change) |
20 Oct. 10:00-11:45 | t.b.d. | Dr B. van Balkom Multi-organ on a chip models / cardiorenal in vitro model (confirmed) |
27 Oct. 10:00-11:45 | t.b.d. | Prof. M.A. Vos Arrhythmogenic animal models (confirmed) |
3 Nov. 10:00-11:45 | t.b.d. | Dr. Merle Krebber Animal models of cardio-renal syndrome (confirmed) |
10 Nov. 10:00-11:45 | t.b.d. | Dr. A. van Mil Advanced in vitro cardiac disease modelling (confirmed) |
17 Nov. 10:00-11:45 | t.b.d. | Prof. J.P.G. Sluijter Inherited cardiac disease models (confirmed) |
24 Nov. 10:00-11:45 | t.b.d. | Dr. Caroline Cheng Vascular in vitro models (confirmed) |
01 Dec. 10:00-11:45 | t.b.d. | Dr. J.O Fledderus Diabetes/peripheral vascular disease (subject to change) |
Language: The course is given in English.
Certificate: To qualify for the certificate and 3 ECTS, participants must attend all lectures. Attendance will be registered.
Number of participants: All PhD students can register, however if more than 30 persons register, the organization reserves the right to make a selection. We require a minimal of 10 participants, in case the number of participants is lower the organization will decide if the course will proceed or not.
Costs: No charge for registered PhD students.
Course coordinators:
Dr. Saskia C.A. de Jager, UMC Utrecht, Division Heart and Lungs, Laboratory for Experimental Cardiology, email:
Dr. Alain van Mil, UMC Utrecht, Division Heart and Lungs, Center for Regenerative medicine, email:
Course Directors: Koen Braat
When: TBD
Max number of participants: 18
Programme: 1 EC
On day 1 and day 2 you will hear from experts in the field that
- Introduce the subject
- Present highlights of their research
- Address outstanding problems and specify 1 problem for the PhD student assignment
- Questions and discussion focused on the PhD student assignment
On day 2 and 3 you will prepare in groups of max 3 persons, your solution to the problem that was proposed by the lecturer. You will be assigned to a specific topic after the last lecture has finished on day 2.
On day 3 you will present your solution to the problem.
- Introduction to the problem
- RM approaches to solve the problem
- Technology?
- Biology?
- Other?
Registration: is closed.
Course Directors: Koen Braat
When: tbd
Programme: appox. 1.5 h
Dear all,
It is time for a fun activity with other PhD students from the RM programme. Please join the online escaperoom-game (watch the trailer here) that will take place on April 21st from 18.45 to app 20.15. In small groups you will compete with other teams to win that one spot in paradise. The deadline for registration is April 16th. Please register below.
Registration is closed.
Course Directors: Koen Braat
When: next dates: TBD, once every two years.
Programme: 2 days
Information: This online course is hosted by EMBO and is divided over two days.
The first day (9.00 – app 13.00) focuses on publishing/scientific writing and the second day (9.00-app 15.00) focuses on research integrity.
There is a maximum of 15 participant.
Registration is closed.
Course Directors: Koen Braat
When: TBD
Programme: 2 hours
Information: The PhD psychologist will give a workshop to RM-PhD Students. Themes are open and your own preference can be filled in the registration form.
Registration is closed.
Course Directors: Annelien Bredenoord Marcel van der Heyden
When: once per two years, next date: TBA
Programme: 2 days, 0.6 ECTS
Information: Mandatory for all PhD students in the RM program. The course engages students in the ethical and societal issues associated with RM. It provides them with an overview of current RM and stem cell-based clinical trials and an activity on looking at the outcome of a clinical trial from the point-of-view of different stakeholders. Furthermore, it offers new ways to think about their research, their approach and how it may impact the market.
Registration: closed
Course Director: Jeroen van Velzen, head of the FACS core facility
When: 1-3 times per year, next date: TBA
Programme: 1 day
Information: This course is hosted by the FACS core facility in UMC Utrecht and combines theory and application. Space is limited (6-8 persons) and you will be charged in case of cancellation. It is recommended to watch ‘overview’, ‘fluidics’and ‘optics’ on this website before attending this course.
Registration: closed
Course Directors: Jesper Hjnortnaes & Caroline Cheng
When: once every two years, next date: TBA
Programme: 3 days, 1 ECTS
Information: The students work together on group assignments, which will result in presentations; the assignments are focussing on a specific topic related to cardiovascular RM (e.g. developmental biology, clinical application of RM research, cell transplantation versus paracrine factors, read outs for successful RM etc.).
Registration: closed
Course Directors: Harrie Weinans & René van Weeren
When: once every two years, next date: TBA
Programme: –
Information: –
Registration: closed
Course Director: Koen Braat
When: monthly, see floormeeting schedules
Programme: diverse, up to 2.4 ECTS for 4 years, depending on attendance
This seminar series brings international and national experts in regenerative medicine to Utrecht to share their research.