Conferences at Utrecht organized by the Center for Game Research
- Ludo2022 Eleventh European Conference on Video Game Music and Sound, 21-23 April 2022, University of London
- MARCH: Modeling andAnimation Realistic Crowds and Humans, Workshop at 4th IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality (AIVR), 16 November 2021, online
- GENEA: Generation and Evaluation of Non-verbal Behaviors for Embodied Agents, ICMI workshop, 22 October 2021, online
- Ludo2021 Conference on Video Game Music and Sound, 23-25 April 2021, online
- Symposium EcoPlay, 17 October 2019, Utrecht
- Dutch DiGRA Symposium Games for Learning, 20 December 2018, Utrecht
- Symposium Health Games, 2 June 2017, Utrecht
- Symposium Eco Games, 30 January 2017, Utrecht
- 5th Games and Learning Alliance (GaLA) Conference, 5-8 December 2016, Utrecht
- 8th International Conference on Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment (INTETAIN), 28-30 June 2016, Utrecht
- Music in Video Games, Ludo, 9 April 2015, Utrecht
- Play, Perform, Participate, 16-18 April 2015, Utrecht