Smart Solar Charging
Due to the strong growth of decentralized sustainable electricity generation, gas-free areas and electric transport, the electricity system in the Netherlands is facing unique challenges. At a local (district/city) scale this may lead to increasing congestion problems in urban regions.
Networks of smart and bi-directional charging cars, stationary batteries and other decentralised sources offer a fast-growing flexibility potential that can grow into an integrated, city-wide flexibility system. An important question is what the optimal relationship is between grid reinforcement on the one hand and the use of this integral flexibility system on the other. And how the flex sources and associated players can be driven by energy market design, financial incentives and other factors in such a way that they help reduce local congestion problems while at the same time providing flexibility to the national balance sheet markets.
Three projects address various aspects of this:
- smart solar charging (SmartSolarCharging project);
- flexible net tariffs (FLEET project);
- integrated flexibility system at city/regional level (ROBUST project), in the cities of Utrecht and Arnhem.