Seed money call Water, Climate & Future Deltas

Onderzoekers en andere geïnteresseerden zijn van harte uitgenodigd om een voorstel in te dienen voor een klein project dat past binnen de doelstellingen van 'Water, Climate & Future Deltas' (WCFD), een van de vier onderzoekshubs van Pathways to Sustainability.

Onderzoekers kunnen een aanvraag doen voor financiering ter ondersteuning van projecten die bijdragen aan de maatschappelijke doelstellingen van Water, Climate & Future Deltas, zoals wetenschappelijke publicaties, onderzoeksvoorstellen, workshops en maatschapelijke activiteiten.

De voorwaarden waaraan de aanvraag moet voldoen, staan hieronder beschreven in de oorspronkelijke taal van het bericht, het Engels.

Pathways to Sustainability conference
Interactive session at the Pathways to Sustainability conference 2019 organised by the hub.


Proposals should meet the following criteria:

  1. The proposal must demonstrate clear links to the scopes of WCFD hub and fit into one (or more) of the three main research lines:
    A: global external drivers of change
    B: delta system functioning
    C: designing and developing adaptation pathways
    We particularly welcome proposals that contribute to research lines B and C.
  2. The proposal should be innovative and have a high potential to generate future research funding. The proposal should have an interdisciplinary character (submitted by researchers from different departments of Utrecht University), a strong collaboration with external partners, and potential for valorization.

  3. The main applicant should be affiliated to the Faculty of Geosciences, Faculty of Science, or Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance of Utrecht University and at least one of the (co)-applicants should be affiliated to the Faculty of Geosciences.

  4. Applicants can apply for one of the two options of seed-grant for:
    Option 1: research activities (maximum budget €20.000).
    Option 2: organizing workshops/matchmaking events (maximum budget €4.000). These workshops/events should contribute to (i) the development of an interdisciplinary research proposal or (ii) dissemination of crucial research outputs to societal partners.

  5. There should be one or more clear deliverable(s).


Applicants should use the seed-funding application form. Please submit proposals to before 16 February 2020. An open ‘pitch-your idea’ session will be held on January 9, to find partners for your seed-money idea.


The proposals will be reviewed by an interdisciplinary committee on:

  • Contribution to objectives of the Water, Climate & Future Deltas hub
  • Potential to generate future research
  • Innovative aspect
  • Feasibility of deliverables
  • Feasibility of planning and budget
  • Interdisciplinarity
  • Collaboration with external partners
  • Potential for valorization.

An external committee will review the proposals within a month after the submission deadline.


The total budget of this seed-funding call is €160.000.