Faculty members
prof. dr. M.R. (Michiel) van den Broeke
ProfessorEmail: m.r.vandenbroeke@uu.nlPhone: 030 253 3169Science - Physics - Marine and Atmospheric Research - Dynamics Meteorologyprof. dr. ir. H.A. (Henk) Dijkstra
ProfessorEmail: h.a.dijkstra@uu.nlPhone: 030 253 2306Science - Physics - Marine and Atmospheric Research - Physical Oceanographyprof. dr. M.C. (Maarten) Krol
Associate ProfessorEmail: m.c.krol@uu.nlPhone: 030 253 2910Science - Physics - Marine and Atmospheric Research - Atmospheric physics and chemistryprof. dr. L.R.M. (Leo) Maas
Associate ProfessorEmail: l.r.m.maas@uu.nlScience - Physics - Marine and Atmospheric Research - Physical Oceanographyprof. dr. T. (Thomas) Roeckmann
ProfessorAcademic DirectorEmail: t.roeckmann@uu.nlPhone: 030 253 3858Science - Physics - Marine and Atmospheric Research - Atmospheric physics and chemistryScience - Physics - Marine and Atmospheric Researchprof. dr. Erik van Sebille
ProfessorEmail: e.vansebille@uu.nlPhone: 030 253 5441Science - Physics - Marine and Atmospheric Research - Physical OceanographyScienceprof. dr. H.E. (Huib) de Swart
ProfessorEmail: h.e.deswart@uu.nlPhone: 030 253 7756Science - Physics - Marine and Atmospheric Research - Physical Oceanographyprof. dr. ir. G.J.M. (Guus) Velders
ProfessorEmail: g.j.m.velders@uu.nlPhone: 030 253 3275Science - Physics - Marine and Atmospheric Research - Marine & Atmospheric Resprof. dr. Roderik van de Wal
ProfessorEmail: r.s.w.vandewal@uu.nlPhone: 030 253 3272Geosciences - Physical Geography - Coastal Dynamics, Fluvial Systems and Global Change - Earth Surface ProcessesScience - Physics - Marine and Atmospheric Research - Marine & Atmospheric Res
External Professors
Associate and assistant Professors
dr. W.J. (Willem Jan) van de Berg
Assistant ProfessorAssociate ProfessorEmail: w.j.vandeberg@uu.nlPhone: 030 253 3273