The primary mission of the Institute for Marine and Atmospheric research Utrecht (IMAU) is to perform high quality fundamental climate research and teaching so as to contribute to solving grand societal challenges related to the global climate crisis, including the training of a new generation of climate scientists with a physics background.

More about us

In the spotlights

Focus and impact

  • IMAU research


    IMAU research addresses fundamental processes in the climate system, and is organised in five themes.
    Our Research
  • IMAU bachelor


    IMAU staff members and PhD students teach and develop courses at Utrecht University, especially in Physics bachelor's programme, the Climate Physics master's program and the Graduate School of Natural Sciences.
    Our programmes
  • Floating sensors predict plastic on Galapagos beaches


    The fundamental research of IMAU generates impact through collaboration with our partners and stakeholders inside and outside of Utrecht University.
    Scientific and societal impact
  • IMAU in the news

    Research highlights and IMAU researchers in the media.
    In the media

Facts and figures


  • New EU-HORIZON project Past to Future

    Towards fully palaeo-informed climate projections

    P2F is led by Anna von der Heydt and involves 21 European institutions.

  • Foto van Erik van Sebille

    Erik van Sebille

    receives Vici grant

    Van Sebille aims to better understand the accumulation of marine plastic in northwestern European waters with the grant.

  • Hans Oerlemans

    winner of prestigious Balzan Prize

    Professor Hans Oerlemans has been emeritus for three years now, but his work continues to be honored.

  • Henk Dijkstra

    Henk Dijkstra

    Awarded ERC advanced grant

    During the next five years, he will study the probability of a weakening of the Gulf Stream, and the possible consequences.