Facts and figures
Organisation, research and education at the Institute for Marine and Atmospheric research Utrecht (IMAU) in facts and figures.

The IMAU is organized in:
- Five research themes
- Our Master’s programme in Climate Physics
- The Buys Ballot Research School for Fundamental Processes in the Climate System (BBOS)
The IMAU is based in the Faculty of Science, department of Physics, with a significant contribution from the section Coastal Research of the Faculty of Geosciences.
Staff members (1 January 2024)
- Total research staff: 63 fte, of which 31 fte PhD candidates
- Support staff: 9 fte

Our research has five main topics: Ice and Climate, Earth System Modelling, Oceans and Climate, Coastal and Shelf Sea Dynamics and Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry.
Publications in 2023
- Scientific publications: 104
- Dissertations: 4
IMAU researchers made more than 70 media appearances in 2023.

Our researchers are active teachers in the bachelor and master programmes of our university.
We contribute to:
- several optional courses in the Bachelor’s programme Physics
- the two-year research Master's programme Climate Physics
Number of Master's students
In academic year 2023-2024 the Master's programme Climate Physics had 85 students in total, of which 25 were first year Master students, 46% were female and 33% were international.
Number of first year Climate Physics Master students in academic year:
- 2019-2020: 29
- 2020-2021: 40
- 2021-2022: 41
- 2022-2023: 38
- 2023-2024: 25